François Nonnenmacher, Frenchman in Paris, writes about technology and news.
Jeremy Pawelek fights boredom one post at a time.
The domain for all things Pete Johns.
Pamie the Pop Culture Princess
Los Angeles freelance comedy writer's blog and biography.
Pancake City
Tidbits off the web, gleaned by a young American.
Ian Bertram writes about people, places, and what makes them interesting .
Personal weblog of Jesse, everything to everyone.
Paolo Valdemarin's Weblog
Discussing about web technologies, ideas, integration and content management systems.
Paper Towel
David Nestor writes reflective essays about his days and his feelings. He also talks about work, cool gadgets that he wants, and various observations.
Musings on philosophy, theology, politics, and Christian apologetics.
Parabolic Mirror
Thoughts and musings of life as seen through the eyes of a modern-day wizard.
Paracelsus Rambles
Ned Gulley's thoughts on everything.
Paradigms - Where Shift Happens
Humor, commentary on current events, poetry and a few photographs.
Parallax View
Paranoid ramblings and crazed links.
Thoughts on technology, useless facts, and news.
Paranoia Non Sequitur
Catastrophist news, paranoia, and hysteria.
Parlant a l'Ether
A travelogue through the ether, maintained and established by Soupytwist aka Katherine.
Partial to the Bean
Life of a woman with two young daughters.
Music, books, bikes, beer, and other important stuff.
Pastor Ray's Weblog
Partly personal journal, partly church news, spiritual journey, travel updates, occasional sports news, links to noteworthy articles, plus updates on bike riding and other exploits.
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