Portal Of Evil
An index of websites that should never be indexed. Some adult content.
The Portals, Mind and Soul of Whom I Cannot Say Publicly
A self absorbed satiation of the desire for attention and to scream out loud their true soul.
The Post
Satirical website devoted to poetry, "news" articles, philosophy, and politics. Written by Nik Owen.
Writer in Chicago discusses life and body issues.
This blog talks about politics, current events, pop culture, travel, food and other random thoughts. Don't let a catalogue dictate your sense of self, be your own self. Furnish your mind with more than cookie cutter ideas.
News, gossip and other self promotional nonsense.
Pragmatic Conservationism
The very best of college through the eyes of a conservative student. Dan's super weblog.
Pranav Sharma
Thoughts about games and life.
Pray to the Machine
Just a simple weblog, tech-themed with a few life lessons.
The Presurfer
Daily links to unusual, weird, funny, and entertaining sites on the internet.
Pretending Sanity
Mother of young children shares her stories, photographs, recipes, and crafty projects.
Pretty on the Inside
Life of a feminist business school professor who is also fumbling through motherhood.
Life of Melissa from Real World, New Orleans.
Reviewing movies, books, hotels, and music.
Fictional, vulgar, disgusting journey to self-redemption and fufillment, told through a series of descriptive posts.
The Professional Lurker
Comments from an academic in cyberspace.
The Program Witch Pages
Wielding the magick of cyberspace.
Program Witch Pages, The
These pages are for all those who wield the magick of cyberspace. Those who use technology not only as a tool but as a focus for powers conceptually challenged humans cannot comprehend.
A Progressive on the Prairie
Thoughts from the Northern Great Plains on books, music, film and, occasionally, life and politics
Project Brainstorm
Original comedy writing.
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