Plan 8 from Doubter Space
Commenting on interesting news stories.
Planet EgoMania
A satirical look inside the life of an online Princess. Not affiliated with the trenchcoat mafia.
The Planet Jupiter
World observations and stories.
Planet Roz
Roz Daniel's spot on the Web. The aim of this site is to open a small door (without giving too much away). Hopefully passing on some small measure of encouragement, love, knowledge, frivolity, or indeed, nonsense, depending, of course, on your viewpoint.
Planet Wong
The life and times of Colin Wong and family.
Random collection of semi-coherent thoughts and pictures.
He posts about planning for his trip down the aisle.
Planned Obsolescence
Novels, networks, and some stuff inbetween.
London based weblog combining personal writing with commentary and links of a futurist, politicised and millennial nature.
Platinum Blonde
Life and opinions of a mommy.
Platinum Central
Random thoughts about technology, the media and general ramblings.
Experiences of a famous ex-Google employee, Mark Jen.
Play for Today
Personal blog of TraceyFace, in Toronto.
Played and Dismayed
A personal weblog of an extremely well written, funny, sane and delightful person.
Sharing unusual and thought-provoking internet finds.
PluggedOut Blog
Experiences of a software and web developer.
Josh Wang: lower-case ramblings of a mind trying to understand the heart.
Pocket Kangaroos
Ramblings of a die hard Cub fan, closet gambler, and all around swell guy.
Pocket Litter
Commentary slightly more interesting than lint.
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