View on what makes the world go round, including news, entertainment, and common sense.
Pesky the Rat's Political Weblog
A rodent's perspective on the issues of the day.
Pete Dudchenko's Blog
Man in San Diego shares news and pictures.
Pete The Elder
Comments on current events along with musings and reviews about books and movies.
Peter Dorsi
Posts on technology and entertainment.
Peter Ericson's Journal
Snippets from his personal life and web site news.
Links, thoughts, and essays from Peter Merholz, about things like interface design, movies, and single-malt scotch.
Pettis Dot Org
Jason Pettis shares links, quotes, and thoughts.
The Pfitz Pfactor
Thoughtful commentaries on daily life, issues, theology, technology, music, movies, local and world events, and whatever else pops his bubble.
The people's republic of lumps in oatmeal.
Phase Portrait
Meant to provide information and commentary on contemporary subjects, especially surrounding understanding of the dynamics of the physical world.
Phil Hough's Diary
Sharing his daily life.
Philippe Tromeur's Blog
French role playing game player and writer. Details about freelance work in the role-playing game art and industry.
Philistrophe la Catastrophe
Unordinary thoughts of an unordinary girl.
Philosophy, Computers, and Bad Writing
Thoughts of a married philosophy student whose hobbies include computers, Tolkien, Star Wars/Trek, and other generally geeky topics.
Philosophy of the Void
A weblog by a Harvard Ph.D. student covering topics such as postmodern philosophy, science, and politics.
Donnie Millar shares thoughts and comments on everything.
News, opinions, and links to the weirdest of the web.
Photo Drone
Personal blog of a photographer, architect and amateur web developer.
Photo Matt
Covering advanced web development, PHP, web standards, music, and photography. Large photolog.
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