Random comments on events of the day.
Take Back The News
Participatory journalism as a grassroot's effort for news consumers to determine which stories get attention. Submit news tips or suggests weblogs.
Hand-picked headline news, served fresh daily events in western Canada. Dan W. Armeneau also provides a summary spiced up with commentary and opinion.
Canadian conservative weblog that publishes daily commentary on political events in Canada.
Funny and cool video clips. Televisions skits, cartoons, jokes and humor. Flash games and cartoons, tons to do.
This is News
Weblog with general and internet news.
The Thorn Papers
Sample the thoughts of Mitch Cohen, a writer and political media analyst working out of Mississippi. Also links to an online archive of his editorial pieces previously published in a variety of newspapers.
News, commentary and fun things found on the Internet.
The Truth Laid Bear
A bear, the world and the strong urge to hibernate.
Twin Cities Babelogue
Front page blog/ index to City Pages' online weblog community, which is comprised of staff-written and guest blogs.
UFO News Blog
UFOs, extraterrestrials sightings and news. Other paranormal and unexplained news too.
Unknown News
News of interest to the interested: The good news along with the bad, and especially the ugly.
Vegan Blog: The (Eco) Logical Weblog
Animals rights, sustainability and ecology in a blog.
Voluntary Exchange
Posts on current events and culture, focused from an economic perspective.
War Blogging examines whether civil liberties and perpetual war can coexist. Includes news snippets and commentary and the Evil Index(tm), a measure of how many times people like John Ashcroft and Usama bin Laden are mentioned on weblogs.
Content from war blogs from around the world.
WebWarrior NGC
News, forums, videos, images.
What Does Not Change
My writing on politics, Rilke, some photography and other little web projects.
Wordforge a Weblog
Sparks fly when a boomer blacksmith turned paper-shuffling environmental bureaucrat tries to make sense of our world. Wit, sarcasm and satire abound.
A Web log about weather.
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