The Geekery
Biased and unbalanced news.
The Green Ribbon
London-based Irish journalist, Tom Griffin, offers news, analysis and opinion.
GregBender dot Com News
News that Greg Bender thinks relevant, mostly computer/hardware/software news.
Guardian Unlimited - Newsblog
Team blog from the British newspaper's news team, augmented with dispatches from their journalists around the world.
Guardian Unlimited weblog
Links to noteworthy journalism from around the web, from the UK online news service of the year.
Primary interest is politics and current events, also writes about hobbies and other interests. Tries to maintain good research standards and express honest opinions.
Hersh, Mike
Political commentary from a writer, lawyer, and activist.
World news, reports, opinions, reviews and ideas on sustainability, natural food, food safety, food supply, and our personal and tribal health and future in our urban environment.
Inside BBC
Monitoring the latest innovations, changes, articles and improvements made at the British Broadcasting Company.
Glenn Reynolds' blog offers opinions on current events, as well as humor and personal notes.
Everything of what's wrong with the world, and very little of what's right. Mind candy for the masses.
Keeping watch on the collision of conventional rights (such as free speech) and the internet, and researching new expressions of those rights.
Judicious Asininity
Roundup of select news, views, commentary, and editorials from world wide sources with comments from the editor.
Kevin Sites Blog
Weblog by CNN correspondent Kevin Sites, with current reports and pictures, including coverage of Iraq.
Lean Left
Another small attempt at disseminating progressive thought.
Location Location Location
Real estate blog reviewing news, academic, and commericial realty and investing sites.
Loyal Opposition - DeBartolo's Weblog
Daily weblog by Chicago-based reporter, Anthony DeBartolo.
A community providing 30 - 50 daily links to the day's weirdest and news and findings on the internet, plus features.
The Mahablog
News, opinion, and discussion critical of the Bush Administration.
Media Nation
Dan Kennedy blogs about the press, politics, technology, culture and other passions.
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