Prague Writer, Jim Freeman
Political and current event commentary by author Jim Freeman, an American citizen living in the Czech Republic.
Public Agenda : Behind the Headlines
A blog on US public opinion and public policy.
Ready Fire Aim
Interesting news and stats in media, business, technology, and life in San Francisco.
Reagan Era Child Blog
A stream-of-consciousness blog by a 20-something, conservative, female living in LA LA land.
Reality Bites Back
Steve Gosset, a veteran of print and broadcast news, now watches the industry from the sidelines and assess news coverage and content. Offers opinions on a wide range of topical items.
Regularly updated commentary and analysis of rhetoric and spin in politics and journalism.
The RipZAW
A Libertarian-Democratic leaning Californian-turned-Pennsylvanian college student's weblog. Covering politics, sports, religion, politics, entertainment, and politics. 100% organic, PABA-free.
Schwartzreport is a daily publication in favour of the earth, the inter-connectedness and interdependence of all life, democracy, liberty, and things that are life affirming. It also warns readers about actions, and events that threaten those values. Stories have been vetted for accuracy by either a significant peer reviewed research journal or, at the least, a major journalistic publication.
Secular Blasphemy
A look at science and current affairs with a freethought twist.
The Serenity
Original commentary and analysis focusing on public policy, international relations, sex roles, crime, education, and medicine.
Seriously Though
News blog welcoming comments and discussion.
The Signature Monitor
An online unofficial charter high school newspaper, run by the students.
Slackers Guild
A user-driven online publication dedicated to those who enjoy being lazy and unproductive.
Wardriving, political opinions, geek news, it's all here. | conflux
A weblog that provides daily updates and links to news items and stories related to science and technology, culture, privacy and the media. is your portal to everything computer related!
Opinion on politics and technology. Also the Opinion Roundup, a handy summary of the opinions of editorial pages, pundits, and politicians.
The Stationmaster
Magnus Bernhardsen is a anti-war, anti-EU, leftwing Norwegian who writes mostly about politics.
The finest in absolutely nothing since not long ago, particularly when it comes to liberal political whining and links to the bizarre and inane.
Views and stories form a retired globetrotter. Multilingual ex-expat blogs from Copenhagen. Also offers pictures, comments and essays on any news item from from the surrealsim of European immigration to China's HR crunch.
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