NextDraft News
A newsletter and website that covers all the news from politics to pop culture, from Jerusalem to JLo. It's your dinner party prep.
Nihilist Propaganda!
News and views from the creator of the Nihilist Glee Club.
Nova Lounge: the Blog
A different version of the same take.. only better.
Observer Blog
General news blog from some of the staff at the British newspaper. Includes mobile, gallery and audio posts, along with podcasts and RSS fees.
The Off Thing
The off the track follow up on science and culture.
On The Third Hand
A blog linking to world news and view, and commenting on same.
The Online Journalism Report
Literate, witty and wise tracking of developments in the wide world of online journalism. Every Tuesday and Friday.
Online Journalism Review News Blog
Largely about online news issues worldwide.
News dealing on topics covering problems with U.S. government, corporations, civil liberties, war and Terrorism. Register to post comments and submit items to this shared blog.
Pacific Views
Liberal blog commentary on the environment, politics, technology, culture, and periodically, space colonization.
Patriot Paradox
This is a weblog with opinions and commentary on news, religion and personal life.
People are stupid
Personal writing, commentary and links.
Picture Of The Day
Every picture does indeed tell a story. Weblog where a different news photo and commentary each day portrays the biggest or most bizarre story from around the world.
Piercing Pens
A pair of twenty-something writer-journalists writing about current Philippine news and issues.
News stories categorized into sub-sections that users can comment on.
POE News
Daily odd ball and political news with an active forum to discuss current events.
Political Nonsense
Concise coverage of current issues, focusing on politics; ranging to advertising, science, gossip, and general nonsense. Updated daily. Will occasionally make the reader laugh, or think.
Politics in the Zeros
Musings on politics, California, water, and otherwise.
PR Bop
Weird and wonderful selections from press release wires.
The Practical Hippie
News tidbits, interesting thoughts of the day, and other things TBD.
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