Ai Research
Focuses on creating genuine Artificial Intelligence - the technology that enables machines to converse with humans in natural language. Based on a groundbreaking approach, Ai's technology will pass the Turing Test for machine intelligence by 2011.
Chatterbot started with an empty database.Visitors make it.
AI Buddy
Personal chat bots for use with AOL Instant Messenger.
Hobby project written in Visual Basic 6.0 by M.F. Wahid. ALIM, in Classical Arabic, means the one who has knowledge. ALIMbot is an Artificially Intelligent chatbot that tries to effectively react to the user input.
Downloadable software that refers to a user-extensible digital knowledgebase.
Downloadable program which answers questions based on past memorized conversations. Compatible with Microsoft Agent characters.
A Chatterbot building Architecture, or "Bot Architecture" using VB 6.0, XML 4.0, MSAgent 2.0, SAPI 5.1 and WSH 5.5
Arthur the Chatterbot
Developed by the Kingston school of Information Systems.
Artificial Intelligent Robots
The home of the chatterbot Talk-Bot, which uses smiley faces to express emotions and small icons to enhance the conversation.
Arty Fishal
Web-based bot attempting to simulate an insane asylum resident.
Experimental bot programmed to help users find legal information on JURIST: The Legal Education Network, and elsewhere online.
The Billy Project
Chat bot Billy, available for download.
Bot Builders
Your online connection for building better AI Bots. Create your free bot today.
Company providing automated online personalities for customer service purposes. Corporate information, news, product and service details, success stories.
BotSpot Chatterbots
Links to chatterbots and provides reviews and information about them.
Does not know about any language, does not learn, adapt or process natural language. Catty picks up on random phrases and tries to formulate a response by searching Google.
Chat Web Bot
Web Chat-Bot: Speaks English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish and Dutch and was awarded Chatterbox Challenge 2004 Bronze Medal for Best Learning Bot category.
Chat with artificial intelligence robot
Artificial intelligence robot Splotchy chats with you in human voice
Chatbot Friends
This website presents all the links relating to Artificial Intellegence and Chatterbots. You will be able to find a bot to chat with, work on, buy, download and learn about on this website.
Chatterbots: Crash Test Dummies of Communication
This is a research about chatterbots and CMC.
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