EBBA: Emotion Based Brain Android
EBBA is an open-source project aiming to develop an advanced chatbot by combining AIML, 3d facial expressions, speech synthesizer and iq-test solving functionality.
A description of how to build an intelligent chatterbot (based on an AI PhD thesis and an IRC chatterbot).
Web-based version of this person-centered therapist emulator.
Friendly and adaptable ELIZA-style system for conversation and AI/NLP learning, with visual displays of all internal processing, and many additional facilities (e.g. for handling grammars).
A Javascript implementation of Joseph Weizenbaum's Eliza by Arne Solli.
Eliza--The Computerised Psychiatrist
Web version of Eliza. Requires JavaScript.
Foxy Botachelli - Chat Bot Girl
She is a bot first started in 2001 and has come back to life using sitepal and a cool new interface. She uses ProgramD and is now ready for use. Still debugging the aiml but and am actively teaching new knowledge as required.
Gives information about this AIM chat-bot, along with ways to chat with it and provides general info on chat-bots.
Site for this chatbot, almost always active on AIM. Includes sample conversations and frequently asked questions.
Functional Response Emulation Devices
A survey of the android studies conducted by Robby Garner, 2-time winner of the Loebner Prize.
Gnod: The Global Network Of Dreams
A self-adapting system which searches the web on the basis of user input. "A search-engine for things you don't know about."
Jabberwacky - Learning AI Chatbot
Chat with a difference - an Artificial Intelligence learns from every word you type. Regularly passes the Turing Test.
Jabberwock - the artificial intelligence beast
Talk to Jabberwock, Loebner Prize winner 2003 as "most humanlike Artificial Intelligence" and Chatterbox Challenge gold medal winner 2003 as "most popular chatterbot"
Jack the Ripper Bot
Peer into the mind of the serial killer.
Joseph Weizenbaum's ELIZA: Communications of the ACM, January 1966
A Computer Program For the Study of Natural Language Communication Between Man and Machine.
Kucheto - The Bulgarian Chat Bot
A chat bot in Bulgarian language.
Lady Chatterly
Lady Chatterly is a full-featured Usenet bot based upon existing chatbot technologies such as AIML, Eliza, & NICOLE. Features include but are not limited to whois lookup, random header generation, google search and babelfish translation, encryption support, and random posting via smtp or nntp.
2002 Loebner Prize Contest Home Page
Call for Entries, Rules, and other Information about the 2002 Loebner Prize Contest in Artificial Intelligence, to be held in Atlanta Georgia, USA.
Create a free chatterbot with easy programming, 24/7 bot hosting. Special package deals are available for advanced botmasters. Online assistance, community projects, and special groups are some other great features.
Madam Zena
First Place Winner of 2004 Chatterbox Challenge "most popular" medal! Just ask me a few questions, or chat for fun. I have the gift to see the future.
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