Chatbot Friends
This website presents all the links relating to Artificial Intellegence and Chatterbots. You will be able to find a bot to chat with, work on, buy, download and learn about on this website.
Chatterbots: Crash Test Dummies of Communication
This is a research about chatterbots and CMC.
Lots of information, articles, chatlogs and links about chatterbots.
The Chatterbox Challenge
An annual Chatterbot Contest offering money and awards to contestants in several different categories.
Chompy Home Page
Chompy is a freeware natural language parser written in Java. There are two main aims to the Chompy project: to provide an educational program to demonstrate the basics of Chomsky's structuralist grammar, and to develop a natural language parser class for Java.
Classic Chatterbots: Eliza by Joseph Weizenbaum
Describes Eliza and offers downloads.
Colorful Personalities
Dialogues with colorful personalities of early AI.
Colorzone Interactive Media
Colorzone - home of CARA the talking Chatterbot.
Deepti Project
Aims to develop a Hindi-speaking chatbot using AIML along the lines of the ALICE project. News, documentation, team member information.
Directions Psychiatrist--Sarcastic Version
Web-based sarcastic version of ELIZA.
Dr. Werner Wilhelm Webowitz: Web Quack Psychiatwist
A web-based version of Eliza. Meant to imitate a conversation with a psychiatrist.
EBBA: Emotion Based Brain Android
EBBA is an open-source project aiming to develop an advanced chatbot by combining AIML, 3d facial expressions, speech synthesizer and iq-test solving functionality.
A description of how to build an intelligent chatterbot (based on an AI PhD thesis and an IRC chatterbot).
Web-based version of this person-centered therapist emulator.
Friendly and adaptable ELIZA-style system for conversation and AI/NLP learning, with visual displays of all internal processing, and many additional facilities (e.g. for handling grammars).
A Javascript implementation of Joseph Weizenbaum's Eliza by Arne Solli.
Eliza--The Computerised Psychiatrist
Web version of Eliza. Requires JavaScript.
Foxy Botachelli - Chat Bot Girl
She is a bot first started in 2001 and has come back to life using sitepal and a cool new interface. She uses ProgramD and is now ready for use. Still debugging the aiml but and am actively teaching new knowledge as required.
Gives information about this AIM chat-bot, along with ways to chat with it and provides general info on chat-bots.
Site for this chatbot, almost always active on AIM. Includes sample conversations and frequently asked questions.
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