MIT Leg Laboratory
Rocused on legged locomotion and dynamic legged robots. Site includes images, videos, and specifications for walking, running, and hopping robots including Troody the robotic dinosaur.
MIT Robot Pike Project
A robotic fish designed to learn more about the complex fluid mechanics that fish use to propel themselves. Site includes photos and video.
Multi-purpose Aerial Robotic Vehicle with Intelligent Navigation, TU Berlin
At the University Berlin, Marvin, a descendant of the airplane-robot Tubrob is developed.
NASA Advanced Autonomy for Rovers Project
This NASA group aims to advance the state of the art in ground operations and onboard autonomy for flight rovers by investigating the complex problems of autonomy in adverse environments.
NASA Automation, Robotics, and Simulation Division
Information on projects by the ARSD, such as robots to assist astronauts during extra-vehicular activity.
NASA JPL Robotics
Performs development, integration, and demonstration of innovative robotics and automation technologies, supporting NASA missions and addressing other problems of national importance.
NASA Robotic Vehicles Group
This NASA Jet Propulsion Lab group performs research, development, and tests of mobile robots in support of planetary exploration missions and terrestrial applications for NASA and other Government agencies.
NASA Space Telerobotics Program
NASA group responsible for robotics and planetary rover research for the agency prior to 1997.
NASA/JPS Distributed Rovers Project
Project investigates the complex challenges surrounding distributed rovers, small basic agents interoperating to create emergent intelligent behaviour. Such systems can cope well in adverse situations, being composed of relatively cheap robotic devices working in unison, capable of recovering from partial failure.
Oxford Robotics Research Group
Research topics include active vision, visual geometry, pattern analysis, machine learning, sonar imaging, sensor systems, and artificial neural networks.
Pace University Robotics Lab
Focuses on building and testing a robot cognitive architecture. Also does research on intelligent agents for network security and intrusion detection.
Purdue Robot Vision Lab
Specialties include 3D object recognition, vision-guided navigation for indoor mobile robots, task and assembly planning.
Research in the field of robots and cyborgs
Gert conducts research in the field of robots and cyborgs.
Revity Laboratory
Researches the use of evolution-based simulations to develop robot brains that can solve real-world problems when placed into a physical robots.
A group based in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Bonn that studies Intelligent Autonomous Systems. Topics include robotic agents, structured reactive controllers, robot learning, planning, perception, and reasoning.
News and discussion site aimed at robotics research topics.
Robotic Group DIEES University of CATANIA
Service Robotic research projects include volcano inspection robots, orange picking robots, climbing robots and microrobots.
Robotics / Autonomous Mechanical Systems
R/AMeS is a Linköping University group. Research topics include model based inertial sensing, teleoperated robotics, mobile robots, and industrial robots.
Robotics and Computer Vision Laboratory
University of Illinois group based at the Beckman Institute. Specializes in robot vision technologies such as curved object recognition and structure from motion algorithms.
Robotics and Process Control
A discontinued group at University of Kaiserslautern that specialized in mobile robots, 3D sonar sensing, and 3D scanning.
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