Caltech Robotics Group
Research topics include sensor based motion planning, robot locomotion, control theory, medical robotics, and modular robots.
CEDRA - Center of Excellence in Design, Robotics and Automation
Robotics Research department of The Sharif University of Technology, Iran.
The Center for Automation and Intelligent Systems Research
The Case Western Reserve CAISR lab integrates robotics, neural networks, machine vision and other advanced technologies to create flexible, automated, intelligent systems.
Center for Distributed Robotics
Located at the University of Minnesota, research includes the coordination and deployment of multi-robot teams in various applications.
Center for Intelligent Robotics
CRI is a UNINOVA research group that specializes in sensorial systems, robotic systems, autonomous agents, and social implication of automation.
Center for Robot-Assisted Search and Rescue
Non-profit research center based at the University of Florida. Led by Robin Murphy CRASAR develops robotic technologies to assist search and rescue teams.
Center for Robotics and Manufacturing Systems, University of Kentucky
Research center established in 1986 to provide manufacturing technological assistance for Kentucky's industries. Specializes in applied machine vision and industrial robotics.
Center for Self-Organizing and Intelligent Systems
Multi-disciplinary research group at Utah State University that focuses on the design, development, and implementation of intelligent, autonomous mechatronic systems.
Centibots: The 100 Robots Project
DARPA funded project using many small robots for mapping and search missions. Site includes videos and publications describing the collaborative communications architecture used by the Centibots.
Centre for Autonomous Systems
Based at Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan in Stockholm. The centre does research in (semi-) autonomous systems including mobile robot systems for manufacturing, domestic and outdoor applications.
CESAR Robotics
Part of the Center for Engineering and Science Advanced Research at Oak Ridge Laboratory. Specializes in multi-robot learning, cooperative, distributed heterogeneous sensing, mapping, path planning.
Charité Surgical Navigation and Robotics Lab
Engineers, computer scientists, and doctors work together at this lab to develop surgical robotics technologies.
The European network for CLimbing And WAlking Robots. Site includes newsletter, conference calendar, information on task forces, and publications list.
CMU Robotics Institute Manipulation Lab
Research into the fundamental mechanics of manipulation, the modelling of physical processes, and the minimum sensor information needed to accomplish a given manipulation task.
CMU Sensor Based Planning Lab
Specializes in topological simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) techniques as well as the development of highly-articulated snake robots, painting robots, and demining robots.
CMU TeamBots Multirobot control systems
Lists resources and software that have been developed as part of the CMU research project in multi robot control methods.
Cognitive Robotics at GMD
German National Research Center robotics group. Research areas include multi-robot cooperation, embodiment of cognitive functions in robots, and robot-environment interaction.
Coimbra Institute of Systems and Robotics
Specializes in robotics vision, autonomous systems, multi-sensor fusion, tele-operation, sensor development, motors and drives. Based at the University of Coimbra in Coimbra, Portugal.
Columbia University Robotics Group
Research interests include construction of geometric and photometric correct 3D models, 3D grasping and simulation, micro-manipulation, visual servoing, visual control, model-based planning.
Computer Vision and Robotics Research Group
University of Alberta group. Research topics include dexterous manipulation, vision-based world modeling for mobile robot exploration, and collective robotic intelligence.
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