About.com - WebLogs
Articles, popular weblog profiles, tutorials, a forum, FAQ, and a blog directory.
All Consuming
Aggregates books that are mentioned on weblogs and provides insight into what the weblog community is reading at the moment.
Blog Business World
Blogging about blogs in business, marketing, public relations, and search engine optimization for successful entrepreneurs
Blog Control
Reviews all things related to weblogs including (but not restricted to) hosting, tools, applications, and promotional sites.
The Blog Herald
A blog on the world of blogging.
Blog advertising placement company.
Blogads Weblog
Blogging about blogonomics, media influence, and online behavior.
Based on the idea of barterware, that is, an exchange of goods and services that are of value between two parties.
catalogs efforts to answer questions about the size and nature of the blogosphere.
The Blogger Personality Test
What is your blogging archetype?
The Blogger Code
Esoteric way to describe different types of bloggers.
A conference about weblogs with a focus on weblogs in journalism, education, science, business and politics.
Bloggers Blog
Reports on blogging news and trends.
Blogging Pro
A collection of links to blogging resources such as plugins, hacks, news, and themes.
Blog about blogging for business. Tips and tricks on improving blogs and reaching a wider audience.
A moderated mailing list for promoting blogs, weblogs, and online journals and diaries.
Reviews of blogging tools, and latest news about weblogging for personal or corporate communications. Chapters and tutorials from the book "We Blog: Publishing Online with Weblogs."
Blogs 4 Business
Strategy and consulting for business bloggers.
Fantasy blog stock game, where blog value is based on hits and links.
Facts, news, interviews and discussion on corporate and business blogging.
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