Link and Think
Annual observation of World AIDS Day in the personal publishing community. (Formerly A Day With(Out) Weblogs).
Live Journal Review
A weblog that primarily reviews online journals and weblogs and gives ratings and awards based on categories.
A blog-style site with news of blogging, new media, thin media, Google and other web stuff. Packaged and presented in Michael Heraghty's style.
Meryl's Notes
Notes on Web design, content, software processes, and other tidbits.
Mobile blogging technology links, resources and discussion.
Pinoy Blogs
Aimed towards enlightening the world through our blogging, Blog ng Bayan is an online community Filipino bloggers.
Pioneer Press: Blog.craze
Article by Leslie Brooks Suzukamo.
Power Blogs
Information for beginners about setting up a successful blog, including choosing software, search engine submission, and RSS feeds.
The Psychology of Weblogs
Essays about blogging and the behavior and motivations behind it.
The search for innovation in newspapers. This blog explores where we've gone wrong and what we're doing right, with an eye toward rewriting the future of newspapers.
StumbleUpon: Blogs 'R Us
Information on creating, running and promoting blogs.
Talkr allows people to listen to text-only blogs. Talkr podcasts the blogs.
Weblog Bookwatch
Links to books that are popular on weblogs. Mainly books about blogging.
Weblog Kitchen: Weblog Theory
Addresses scholarship about wikis, weblogs, and related phenomena.
Weblogs Compendium
Listings of templates, tools, directories, hosting and discussion about weblogs.
2Write Writers' and Weblogger Resources
Resources for writers and on-line diarists, journalers and webloggers. Writing samples and weblog of K. Danko-Blocksdorf.
Into the Blogosphere: Rhetoric, Community, and Culture of Weblogs: Blogging as Social Action: A Genre Analysis of the Weblog
Paper by Carolyn R. Miller and Dawn Shepherd, North Carolina State University. "Why did blogging catch on so quickly and so widely? What motivates someone to begin—and continue—a blog? What audience(s) do bloggers address? Who actually reads blogs and why? In short, what rhetorical work do blogs perform—and for whom? And how do blogs perform this work? What features and elements make the blog recognizable and functional? A genre analysis of the blog will begin to answer these questions." (September, 2004) - WebLogs
Articles, popular weblog profiles, tutorials, a forum, FAQ, and a blog directory.
All Consuming
Aggregates books that are mentioned on weblogs and provides insight into what the weblog community is reading at the moment.
Blog Business World
Blogging about blogs in business, marketing, public relations, and search engine optimization for successful entrepreneurs
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