Motorola ColdFire Development Resources
Dedicated to the Motorola ColdFire series of Processors with info on how to use GNU C, RTEMS and other free tools to assist embedded development.
P.A. Semi
Designers of 64-bit multicore processors based on IBM's Power processor.
Parallel computer architecture, called PiSMA: Parallel vIrtually Shared Memory Architecture. Article about securing confidential communication using authentication from ACM Crossroads site.
Powerleap Products
CPU upgrade expert with product briefs, support, discussion forums and compatibility database.
The Processor-Memory Bottleneck
Problems and Solutions. From Crossroads site.
Rabbit Semiconductor
Fabless semiconductor firm. Focus: microprocessors and development tools for embedded controls. Rabbit is low power, high performance 8-bit microprocessor, clock speed to 30 MHz, integrated development tools support remote coding.
Synergy Microsystems, Inc.
Manufacturers of VME and CompactPCI SBCs with dual or single PowerPC 750 or G4 microprocessors. Produces the powerful quad processor, VME DSP with Linux Symmetric Multiprocessing.
Synopsys Synthesizable VHDL LC-2 Model
Simple programmable processor defined in the popular introductory textbook.
TriMedia Technologies
Products include high performance VLIW architecture IP cores, embedded media processors, video processors, audio processors, system on chip solutions, an MPEG-2 decoder and MPEG-4 encoder, and application libraries.
Upgradeware Technology
Manufacturer of CPU upgrade products.
Explore architectures and solutions, to move from prototype to final product with the same code.
WWW Computer Architecture
Houses computer architecture and microprocessor information on conferences, benchmarks and tools, group projects, publications, books and newsgroups.
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