The smart microprocessor; platform solutions for mobile Internet computing. Transmeta develops in concert with OEM customers.
Crusoe's Companion Website
Weblog repository of 40 team submissions comparing Transmeta's Crusoe processor with A N Other processor.
salon 21st: The Transmeta enigma
"So what is Transmeta, a company that makes the words "low profile" seem brassily exhibitionist, up to?"
Since time immemorial, this mysterious website was an Internet version of a Zen koan. Then, suddenly, it was transformed radically into ... a tease. And now, it is a business! Stay tuned.
News and reviews of Transmeta's Crusoe based computers.
Linux Creator Offers Sneak Peak Into Goal Of Microprocessor Startup
Written by Mark Hachman of Electronic Buyers' News. (November 16, 1999)
Drilling Deeper into Torvald's Transmeta
Written by Lawrence Aragon and Phil Harvey for Red Herring. (November 13, 1999)
Secretive start-up Transmeta takes aim at Intel
Written by Stephen Shankland of CNET (September 30, 1999)
CNET Transmeta might come out of hiding at Comdex
AltaVista -
The smart microprocessor; platform solutions for mobile Internet computing. Transmeta develops in concert with OEM customers.
Crusoe's Companion Website
Weblog repository of 40 team submissions comparing Transmeta's Crusoe processor with A N Other processor.
salon 21st: The Transmeta enigma
"So what is Transmeta, a company that makes the words "low profile" seem brassily exhibitionist, up to?"
Since time immemorial, this mysterious website was an Internet version of a Zen koan. Then, suddenly, it was transformed radically into ... a tease. And now, it is a business! Stay tuned.
News and reviews of Transmeta's Crusoe based computers.
Linux Creator Offers Sneak Peak Into Goal Of Microprocessor Startup
Written by Mark Hachman of Electronic Buyers' News. (November 16, 1999)
Drilling Deeper into Torvald's Transmeta
Written by Lawrence Aragon and Phil Harvey for Red Herring. (November 13, 1999)
Secretive start-up Transmeta takes aim at Intel
Written by Stephen Shankland of CNET (September 30, 1999)
CNET Transmeta might come out of hiding at Comdex
AltaVista -
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