Enumera, Inc.
Goal: dominate very low cost, low power, single core CPU market, and have the only ultra-high-end supercomputer on-a-chip system. Because the CPU core is so small, it is possible to put 1000s of cores and memory in one IC chip package.
Forth Chips
References, links to Forth and stack machines in various technologies.
Java Optimized Processor
JOP is the implementation of a small java processor with the JVM fitting in a FPGA.
Minimal Instruction Set Computers
Stack-based processors, 5-bit words, 25 instructions, 7000 transistors, 80 MIPS, 50 milliwatts, low cost; designed by Chuck Moore, creator of Forth programming language.
MSL16 Processor
Minimal instruction set, small, low power 16-bit CPU optimized to run Forth on a Xilinx FPGA. When system is stable, VHDL source code for CPU and all other code will be released to make a full open source public domain CPU.
NASA: Space Related Applications of Forth
Uses of Forth microprocessors and programming language: controllers for spacecraft flight systems, on-board payload experiments, ground support; hardware or software to build or test flight or ground systems.
New Micros, Inc.
Designs, builds: single board computers (SBC), peripherals, embedded systems, PCB design/layout, high level programming (industry leaders in Forth), custom design work; large line of stock products: from full handheld computers to development packages. Since 1980.
Overview of the E16 CPU
Small, fast stack-based processor for FPGAs. CPU prototyped and debugged in ANS Forth. A simple RTL-specific language extension provides discrete event simulation for structural model of CPU and allows concise architecture representation.
PTSC: Patriot Scientific Corp.
Makes IGNITE I ROSC (Removed Operand Set Computer), PSC1000 32-bit embedded shBoom-based microprocessor line, many ISDN interface products, sophisticated antenna/radar technologies.
SandPiper Technology
Course on minimal processors: Guided Exploration of two FPGA-based CPU Designs, led by John Rible.
Stack Computers & Forth
Philip J. Koopman, Jr., CMU page. Many reports, studies, links. Compares: CISC, RISC, Stack systems; 2 & 3 stack systems. Excellent resource.
Stack Computers: the new wave
Free on-line book by Philip J. Koopman, Jr. Read it on-line, or download it in several formats including 700k zip file. Published in 1989, the first book to explore a new breed of stack computers led by introduction of Novix NC4016.
4stack Processor
Research project for high performance, low cost computing. Uses stack based instructions for a 4-way VLIW processor. Implemented in current technology, it would outrun high-end DSPs (TMS 320C6x, TigerSHARC), and let the full application run on one processor, with no further RISC core.
T-Recursive Technology
Embedded systems consultant for small (8/16-bit) and distributed microprocessor systems. Contract hardware and software development for most microcontrollers. Specialist: Forth, Assembly, C. By Bradford J. Rodriguez, Ph.D.
Triangle Digital Services Ltd.
Small, powerful Forth embedded computers: let you quickly design applications: controls, portable instruments, terminals, data loggers, GPS, CAN bus, multitasking, LCD and keyboard systems. High level language makes development simple and fast; needs no PROM programmer. Forth hardware and software.
Enumera, Inc.
Goal: dominate very low cost, low power, single core CPU market, and have the only ultra-high-end supercomputer on-a-chip system. Because the CPU core is so small, it is possible to put 1000s of cores and memory in one IC chip package.
Forth Chips
References, links to Forth and stack machines in various technologies.
Java Optimized Processor
JOP is the implementation of a small java processor with the JVM fitting in a FPGA.
Minimal Instruction Set Computers
Stack-based processors, 5-bit words, 25 instructions, 7000 transistors, 80 MIPS, 50 milliwatts, low cost; designed by Chuck Moore, creator of Forth programming language.
MSL16 Processor
Minimal instruction set, small, low power 16-bit CPU optimized to run Forth on a Xilinx FPGA. When system is stable, VHDL source code for CPU and all other code will be released to make a full open source public domain CPU.
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