Agilent VEE
Data-flow language, and open graphical programming environment, for iterative tests, measurement analysis, presenting results; optimized to use with data acquisition devices (digital voltmeters, oscilloscopes), and source devices (arbitrary waveform generators, power supplies).
Visual parallel programming system, composes sequential programs into parallel programs for shared-memory multiprocessors and workstations running MPI or PVM.
CodeMorphis Synopsis
A visual programming tool quickly build software applications by dragging and dropping icons that represent software components. [Commercial]
Cycling '74
Cycling '74 sells Max/MSP and Jitter, a family of interactive graphical dataflow programming environments for audio, video, and graphical processing.
Designing and Testing new Programming Constructs in a Data Flow VL
article by Elena Ghittori, Mauro Mosconi, Marco Porta
An experimental project exploring a radical approach to language structure and design
Fabrik: A Visual Programming Environment
Kit of object-oriented computational and user-interface components that can be 'wired' together to build new components and applications; diagrams use bidirectional dataflow links as shorthand for multiple paths of flow.
Frequently-Asked Questions (FAQ)
From the comp.lang.visual newsgroup.
Improving Readability of Iconic Programs with Multiple View Object Representation
article by Yuichi Koike
Journal of Visual Languages and Computing
Bimonthly journal on promoting visual languages, and on their implications for computing.
Khoral Research, Inc.: KRI
Makes Khoros/Cantata visual dataflow programming language: rapid prototyping and cradle-to-grave software development, in a high productivity, integrated software systems environment.
By iMatix Corp. Write top-level logic as readable state diagram and click. Libero generates: Assembler, C, C++, Java, VB, Unix shells, Perl, Awk, PL/SQL, PHP, and COBOL. Template-based code generator can be altered for any environment. Portable, fast, free: GPL.
Limnor Programming System
A generic-purpose no-coding programming platform.
A RAD-based visualisation and software development environment. It's also an interpreter tool for executing pre-made Mindscript programs. [Open source, GPL]
A Java applet designed to teach binary search tree algorithms. It is unique in the way it combines programming, proof, and animation to enhance the learning experience.
A visual programming tool designated for easy and quick creation of applications for Windows 95/98/NT/2000. By Gemtree Software.
Petri Nets World
Petri Nets is a formal and graphical appealing language which is appropriate for modelling systems with concurrency.
ResearchIndex: Viz: A Visualization Programming System
Describes design, implementation of high level visualization programming system, created from a need to support rapid visual prototyping in an environment that can be extended by abstractions in the application problem domain.
Visual dataflow programming language and development environment. Lets you draw applications. Script any COM or OLE Automation server with Sanscript Pro.
SCIRun: A Scientific Programming Environment for Computational Steering
Framework where large computer simulations can be composed, executed, controlled, tuned interactively. Composing occurs via visual programming interface to a dataflow network. To execute programs, users specify parameters by graphical user interface rather than traditional text-based datafiles.
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