Step Forward
A tool for developing information management and accounting systems using visual programming and high-level abstraction techniques.
Experimental language to simplify application programming, based on copying (copied blocks are first class prototypes), live executable text, programming by example, prototypes. Description, FAQ, OOPSLA research paper, no download yet.
Subtext: Alarming Development
Weblog for Subtext language. Polite discussion and debate on new programming models to simplify application programming.
Subtext Info Page
Email list for Subtext language, with archives, means to subscribe and unsubscribe.
A scientific data and image analysis product that has its own Visual Programming Environment. VisiQuest was formerly known as Khoros Pro of Khoral research. By AccuSoft Corporation.
Visual Language Desk, VLDesk
Potent tool to automatically generate Visual Programming Environments, the reworked version of Visual Language Compiler-Compiler, VLCC. Description, download, publications.
Visual Language Research Bibliography
Large, well structured bibliography of papers on visual language research, also has brief list of links to other visual language related research resources.
Visual Languages
a description of Visual Programming Languages by Daniel LaLiberte.
Visual Languages for Knowledge Representation
Study of visual languages, mainly concept map-based languages; multiple representations. Broader interest than programming only. Many references.
Visual Programming
Ricardo Baeza-Yates taxonomy of Visual Languages and bibliography.
Visual Programming Language
Brief, clear definition, explanation. [Wikipedia]
A Visual Programming Language for Visualization of Scientific Data
Thesis presenting DataVis, visual dataflow programming language designed to be used by scientists for visualizing scientific data. Since it is a visual language, programs and functions are mostly diagrams, instead of text. [Postscript]
Visual Programming Languages: A Survey
Paper by Marat Boshernitsan with historical overview of some pioneering efforts in the field.
Visual Programming Research
Home of visual language SIVIL. Also author's (Mark Meyer) visual programming related articles and links.
A general-purpose visual programming language (VPL) based on object-orientation.
Agilent VEE
Data-flow language, and open graphical programming environment, for iterative tests, measurement analysis, presenting results; optimized to use with data acquisition devices (digital voltmeters, oscilloscopes), and source devices (arbitrary waveform generators, power supplies).
Visual parallel programming system, composes sequential programs into parallel programs for shared-memory multiprocessors and workstations running MPI or PVM.
CodeMorphis Synopsis
A visual programming tool quickly build software applications by dragging and dropping icons that represent software components. [Commercial]
Cycling '74
Cycling '74 sells Max/MSP and Jitter, a family of interactive graphical dataflow programming environments for audio, video, and graphical processing.
Designing and Testing new Programming Constructs in a Data Flow VL
article by Elena Ghittori, Mauro Mosconi, Marco Porta
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