Programming Language Critiques: Pascal, C, C++, and C-Linda
By Jim Basney. May 1995.
Programming Languages mini-HOWTO
Brief comparison of major Linux programming languages C, C++, Fortran, Java, Lisp, Perl, PHP, Python, Tcl; by Risto S. Varanka.
Programming Languages Table
Table showing the approximate number of logical source statements (not physical lines of code) that roughly correlate with a single function point.
Python Compared to Other Languages
Many links to comparisons involving Python.
The Quine Page
Collection of self-reproducing programs: each outputs a copy of its own source code; about 60 languages.
Reasons for TOM
TOM attempts to address flaws in these languages: C++, Cecil, Common Lisp, Eiffel, Java, Objective-C, Smalltalk.
The ROT13 Page
ROT13 implemented in many programming languages.
Ruby Versus Nine Object-Oriented Languages
Compares Ruby, Objective-C, Smalltalk-80, C++, Java, Python, CLOS, Perl5, PHP, Dylan.
Schizoid Classes - Of class, type, and method
A comparison of Java and Smalltalk. By Rodney Bates.
Sun's Comparison of Language Features
Table graphic, uses good-fair-poor metric, compares Java, Smalltalk, Tcl, Perl, Shells, C, C++.
Survey of Programming Languages Associated with the Web
General feature comparisons, explanations.
Survey of scripting language implementation options
A comparison of scripting language approaches in various categories. Pros and cons are given for each feature variation.
Syntax Across Languages
Operator names and syntax elements in various programming languages.
Tcl Advocacy
Table, text, links compare Tcl, Perl, Python, JavaScript, Visual Basic.
Ted Shieh's Programming Language Comparison
A comparison of the features of and demand for some of the major programming languages.
1% the Code
Compares colorForth and C: Chuck Moore, father of Forth, expects colorForth applications to need only 1% the code of C programs. No code samples.
Timing Trials, or, the Trials of Timing: Experiments with Scripting and User-Interface Languages
By Brian Kernighan, Christopher Van Wyk. Compares how fast C, Awk, Perl, Tcl, Java, Visual Basic, Limbo, Scheme, run a range of representative tasks. Text, tables, graphs, code samples.
TIOBE Programming Community Index
Monthly updated index that gives an indication of the popularity of programming languages.
TMXxine Languages
Brief comparison Curl with High Level assembler, BCX, Dark Basic, Mono (C#/.Net implementation), Python, Squeak, XBasic/XBlite. Curl applet examples.
TUNES Project: Programming Languages
Over 200 languages described, mostly original commentary, many deep insights, over 1,000 links. [Open Content]
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