A directory of wonderful things. The Weirdest of the Web
Links and comments from some drunken crackers in Bloomsburg, PA with the help of weirdos from all over the world.
Reviews video games, music, dvds, movies, books, and just talk about whatever is on our mind because we apparently think someone cares.
Captain Gangbang
Several twentysomething bloggers discussing current events.
College Drunk Group Blog - PotentKnowledge
Students discussing news, pranks, and thoughts.
Compulsive Behavior
Commentary on anything from culture, politics or entertainment.
The Corner
National Review Online's multi-author conservative blog.
Cronus Connection
Links to trippy sites and updated news on the weirdest topics of the day.
Crooked Timber
Wide-ranging philosophy blog.
A collaborative photoblog where a new photograph is put up everyday, by a new photographer every week.
Deus ex Culina
A collaborative blog devoted to a love of food. Features recipes and discussions of ingredients, techniques and trends.
DFW Blogs
Lists Dallas and Fort Worth area weblogs, includes discussion as well.
A project working at the intersections and overflows of art, activism and tech cultures. Discordia is an experiment in social filtering, collaborative moderation and different styles of communication.
A collection of essays focused mainly on philosophy and art.
East Coast/West Coast
Daily communiques between two gay guys on opposite coasts.
The Elf and the Whale
A married couple's daily activities illustrated with photographs.
Emorifc - Friends and a Blog
Movie reviews and photography related discussion.
Empty Bowl
A webzine devoted to serving the cereal eating community. Here you'll find reviews, feature articles, and general discussions about the greatest breakfast product on the face of the earth: cereal!
Movies, advice, television, and news.
The Falafel Trio
An effort of three college girls known as Mo, Deb and Kirsty.
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