PhalNet v.2
Ontario users post about pretty much anything in their technologically stressful and demanding lives. includes news, rants, comics, reviews and weather.
News, beer tasting and music discussion from the Dallas/Fort Worth area.
Plinko Media
Pop culture dissection, with an emphasis on games and movies.
Poetic Boredom
College-aged writers putting their world in perspective.
Purpose Driven Drinking
A band of Lutherans write at various times humorously, theologically, analytically, didactically, or polemically on all things alcohol.
Quiet City
Quiet thoughts in a loud city. A group weblog discussing current events in each member's life.
Radio Free Blogistan
About blogs, personal publishing, microcontent and micropublishing, online communities and syndication.
The Red Kitchen
Share favorite recipes, kitchen tips and related links.
Wiki for collaborative discussion.
The Rule of Reason
Weblog of the Center for the Advancement of Capitalism
Sad Lil Sight
A group of writers in Colorado blogs about culture and life.
The Sakamuyo Network
A community made of members across the globe. Discuss all facets of life and enjoy friendship and fellowship.
The Shitpile
A handful of disenfranchised school paper staff members use the web to vent steam.
The Silicon Mind
Heavy commentary on politics and religion.
Sitereview's Weblog of Weblogs
Post a review of your favorite weblog or read and vote on reviews of other weblogs.
The Slag Heap
Futurist news and irreverent commentary from a group of college students.
The spin starts here darl
Discussion of popular culture, politics and the stupidity of people in general.
Spitting Image
About any visual representation of something that can be copied and the techonologies that make that happen.
Stimilon: No Limits
Multiple entries per day, song of the week, pictures and registration information.
Three girls posting about what's happening in their lives.
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