IBM eserver zSeries Mainframe Servers
IBM home page for current mainframe computer systems, with links to an overview, software, operating systems, networking, I/O connectivity, solutions, news, events, FAQs, support, education and a library of documents.
Anura Guruge: Mr. SNA
Guruge's views on the IBM world, XML Web services, grids and autonomic computing.
Architecture of the IBM System/360
1964 article coinciding with the announcement of the System/360 (S/360), the first family of computers to have the same machine architecture as IBM mainframes of today. Written by the S/360's architects: Gene Amdahl, Gerrit Blaauw and Fred Brooks.
BookManager: IBM Softcopy Reader
Free Java-based software for Linux and Windows workstations. Used to read IBM manuals in BookManager format, typically on CD-ROM. Replaces IBM Library Reader (ILR).
Manufactures and markets mainframe connectivity and data movement products, both under their own brand name and as an OEM.
Computer History: IBM 360/370/3090/390
A personal history of the IBM mainframe by Lars Poulsen.
Computer Measurement Group
CMG is a user group focused on performance and resource management, especially for IBM mainframes, with an annual conference and exhibition in North America. Groups link lists local CMG groups worldwide.
Coupling Facility Structure Sizer: CFSIZER
A Web-based application used to calculate the size of each IBM software product's structure within a Parallel Sysplex Coupling Facility (CF).
Dictionary of the Mainframe World
6000 words and phrases currently in use and from the past, technical and marketing terms, as heard in IBM mainframe computer environments.
Dinos Web Ring
Access to over 30 Web sites run by individuals interested in mainframes.
The Dinosaur Myth
Subtitle: Why the mainframe is the cheapest solution for most organizations. Updated version of the classic Xephon report.
Disaster Recovery Journal
Although business continuity is the focus, many articles are mainframe-related. Also hosts an annual conference.
EMC: Mainframe Offerings
Storage platforms and software for IBM mainframes.
Enterprise IS News
Industry information relevant to organizations with IBM mainframes, covering new and updated hardware and software products, vendor news and industry research. A free news service published every Wednesday, also available by e-mail subscription.
Eric Loriaux
Large collection of categorized links covering IBM mainframe hardware and software topics, with special emphasis on the needs of systems programmers.
eServer Magazine, Mainframe Edition
A bimonthly IBM publication with technical overview and how-to articles and tips, mostly on systems software, with some hardware coverage; plus IBM and non-IBM product news. Written by IBM and non-IBM authors.
Fujitsu Mainframe Servers
Manufacturer of IBM mainframe-compatible servers, services, software and storage. Fujitsu acquired Amdahl, originally founded by IBM System/360 architect Gene Amdahl.
Gallery of Old Iron: IBM S/360, S/370
Pictures of Central Processing Unit (CPU), channel and control unit front panels from System/360 and /370 mainframes, plus a few System/3, 1401, 1800 and SAGE items from the author's collection.
Gilbert Saint-flour
Links to P/390 information and z/OS freeware, as well as Gilbert's own z/OS tools and documentation.
The merger of the European portion of the IBM user groups GUIDE and SHARE.
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