C.A.S.E. Consulting
Compressed air system auditors and consultants.
Casolari & Associates, Inc.
Energy management engineering services for commercial and industrial clients.
CCH Consulting
Regulatory representation, energy production forecasts, and area specific oil and natural gas studies.
Cedar Energy Domain Ltd.Solutions in Ireland.
Energy consultants based in West Cork, Ireland for energy saving heating solutions including.
Cenergia Energy Consultants
Cenergia performs analysis and design of solar low-energy buildings incorporating ecological measures, optimising ventilation system, etc. (Danish and English)
Center for Toxicology and Environmental Health, L.L.C.
CTEH: scientific expertise of toxicology, risk assessment, industrial hygiene, occupational health, and response to community emergencies involving release or threat of release of chemicals and hazardous materials in the environment.
Central Training Systems
Source of operating, safety, mechanical integrity, and maintenance/inspection procedures, including formal training, employee testing, and competency certification for the petrochemical industry.
Cepemar Environmental Services
Company deals with a wide range of environmental projects including: management plans; water supply system; Environmental Impact Statements; Risk Assessments; and Oceanographic Studies and monitoring.
Charles Vail, Incorporated
Contract research and consulting in renewable energy projects, project formulation, project feasibility, project siting, woody biomass supply and procurement, environmental impact assessment, and project development.
Chem Systems, Inc.
Business and technology consulting to the chemical, petroleum, and related processes industries.
Chequer Energy Inc. - Gas and Power Project Development and Consulting
Gas and power project development and consulting.
Chevron Energy Solutions
Delivers customized solutions that add value and reduce energy costs for businesses and institutions.
Chornobyl Center
Nuclear and radiation safety, NPP power units decommissioning, radioecology, physical security, emergency response: scientific and technical services
Chris Head
Consultant for water resources and hydropower development.
C.J. Brown Energy, P.C.
Professional engineering firm specializing in energy utilization and conservation with a primary mission to identify, analyze and implement realistic improvements to facilities and processes.
Cleanwater Consulting
Assisting developers and contractors in ensuring compliance with the Clean Water Act, the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES), Construction General Permit (CGP), and regional regulations.
CLG Energy Consultants Ltd
Independent energy consultant specialising in the coal and electricity industries in the UK.
Climate Change Levy Discount Scheme
Advice on climate change levy and the discount scheme available to industrial users.
CMH Environmental Group
Environmental consulting and contracting company specializing in water treatment, hazardous waste, bioremediation and site restoration.
CN Utility Consulting, LLC
Founded to provide consulting and training services to the electric utility vegetation management industry.
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