Apex Technological Field Services LTD.
Sampling, trouble shooting, and consulting in the oil and gas industry. Onsite analysis for H2S, water dewpoints, O2, corrosion, and volume measured millipore samples.
Applied Proactive Technologies, Inc.
U.S. energy and environmental firm dedicated to the responsible utilization of our country's resources through the use of innovative and energy efficient technologies and sound management practices.
Aptech Engineering Services, Inc.
An independent engineering services firm dedicated to finding timely and cost-effective solutions to power plant problems.
Renewable energy project consultants. Specialists in landfill methane. Operations in UK, Spain, Mexico, and Costa Rica.
Consultants for commercial and residential markets focused on: Design and calculation; Code compliance analysis; Energy management; Construction management; Owner representation; Cost estimating; Forensic investigation; and Inspection.
Architectural Energy Corporation
Improving building energy performance via: energy engineering, sustainable design assistance and LEED consulting, building commissioning, monitoring and verification, commercial kitchen ventilation testing, building science research, and product development.
ASC International BV
Project management organisation providing specialised manpower to the upstream Oil,Gas,Petrochemical, and Power industries.
Asia Consult Ltd
Asia-based consulting for the downstream oil and chemicals industry.
Audits Unlimited
Consultants who specialise in utilities, providing news and a directory of companies offering complementary services.
Aurora Environmental
Scottish company providing independent environmental survey and consultancy services to government and industry worldwide.
Australian Power and Water Pty Ltd
Consulting and project management in power, water and environmental sectors for all phases of projects including: master plans; project identification; feasibility studies; design; construction; contract management; commissioning; refurbishment and upgrading; operation and maintenance; utility sector reform and deregulation; technology transfer and institutional development.
Axford Turbine Consultants
Consulting assistance for companies in the turbine power generation industry.
AXYS Environmental Consulting Ltd.
A Canadian-based multi-disciplinary consulting firm achieving practical, balanced solutions through a diverse professional and technical staff and a comprehensive scientific approach.
Balfours Environmental
Asbestos assessment consulting services.
Ballonoff Consulting Service
Consulting in strategic planning, energy law, energy economics, and international development.
The Barlow Group, Inc.
Engineering and consulting services for the Power Generation Industry.
Barnwood Group
Asbestos surveys, risk assessment, environmental services and management, health and safety consultancy and training.
Michigan based environmental consultants.
BCS Inc.
Established management consulting firm in Columbia, MD specializing in domestic and international energy market research, industry analysis, database development, program evaluation and strategic planning.
Bear Technologys
Title 24 Residential Building Energy Efficiency reports.
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