Rauwendaal Extrusion Engineering, Inc.
Specializing in extrusion engineering for the plastics industry. providing process and machinery design, training programs and software, troubleshooting, expert witness, computer simulation, and material analysis.
RM Thurlow Pty Ltd
Consulting chemical engineers specialising in pulp and paper, water and waste water processes, chemical manufacturing and specialist advice to loss adjusters for insurance claims.
Roben Services Ltd
Independent consultant Roger Bennett in the UK provides front-end process engineering services to the petrochemical industry. Overview of services and specialties.
S.S. Engineering Consultants
Specialists in the supply of know-how, basic and detailed designs for special chemical products.
Syner-Tech Process Consulting
Develop and improve processes through scale-up and engineering.
Transmit Technology Group
Contract research and consulting for plastic industry. Services include product development, market research, process development, compounding, testing, and thermoplastics.
Velocys Inc.
Chemical processing and microchannel process technology. Suppliers of microtechnology research, development and engineering consultants.
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