John A. Shaw
Process control engineer and consultant specializing in control systems for the chemical, pharmaceutical, pulp and paper, and other process industries.
Kaffenberger AG
Specialists in the field of specialty chemicals, concentrating their services on strategy development and mergers and acquisitions. Company located in Switzerland.
Katzen International, Inc.
Provides technical engineering services for the chemical and biochemical process and related industries worldwide.
Kuwait Industrial Consulting Center
Training and consultation serving the petroleum industry in Kuwait / Gulf and Middle east.
Logichem Process
South Africa. Process engineering company designs, constructs and optimizes process plants.
Malerba Engineering International
Providing chemical process engineering solutions.
Moulson Chemplant
Process plant design and project management service for small to medium sized production companies.
New Paradigm Gas Processing Ltd.
Provides sour gas treating, pollution abatement and sulfur recovery technologies to the petroleum industries and fuel users.
Ockerbloom & Co., Inc
USA. Technical consultants to the global methanol and derivative markets. Part of the PCI Consulting Group.
Particular Solutions, Inc.
A consulting service providing creative chemical and technical solutions that focus on inorganic product development and analysis.
PCI Xylenes & Polyesters, Ltd
UK. Technical consulting services to the polyester, raw materials and related industries, offering commercial reports, online data and special studies. Part of the PCI Consulting Group.
PDE Management Ltd
Process Engineering Consultants to the onshore and offshore oil and gas industries.
Perspekt Process Extractor Doctor
Provides expertise in the modeling design, evaluation and troubleshooting of liquid-liquid extraction processes and equipment.
Pneu Solutions
Provide pneumatic conveying system troubleshooting expertise to chemical process plants.
Procede Twente BV, The Netherlands
Specialists in process design, process simulation, process optimisation, reactor design, environmental cases and product improvement.
Process Engineering Associates, LLC
A chemical process engineering company providing technology and regulatory compliance services to the petroleum refining, chemical production, and waste processing industries.
Process Plant Computing Limited
Independent management and technical consultancy supporting the process industries. Based in the UK, specialist skills include mathematical programming.
Process Simulation Consultant
State Estimation Technology for online first principles dynamic models. Modeling and simulation services for offline and online applications for the process manufacturing industry.
Pulp and Paper Mills
Process design and optimization, energy conservation, and environmental enhancement for the pulp and paper industry.
Quicksilver Engineering B.V.
Engineering consultancy specialising in industrial vacuum engineering, (pre-)commissioning, validation and the application of the Machinery Directive to process installations
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