Isaiah McKinnon
Former Detroit Chief of Police provides guidance to people of all ages through his motivational messages.
James Feldman
Motivational speaker on teamwork, customer service, employee motivation, selling skills, and managing change. Shift Happens.
Janice Madariaga
Speaker to organizations and individuals, using humor, story-telling and a business background to inspire and motivate.
Jason Milliren
Inspiring motivational speaker guiding participants through the use of the Harmony technology on a journey to a happier life. Works with all organizations to motivate their members.
Jeanne Rogers
Educator, motivator, and inspirational speaker. Her passion for the future keeps her presentations filled with enthusiasm.
Jeff Blackman
A speaker, business-growth specialist, author, consultant and success coach who speaks on success.
Jeff Conley
Author of "Changeless Leadership for Changing Times" and "Family Friendly Success" speaks to business audiences at annual conferences and conventions
Jeff Keller
Delivers keynote presentations and seminars aimed at building positive attitudes and increasing performance levels.
Jeff Yalden Motivational Speaker
Aimed towards at-risk youth, students in middle school through college with programs in drug, alcohol and violence prevention, through teacher and community groups.
Jeffrey J. Mayer
Presents programs on time management, goal setting, and setting priorities.
Jerry Posner: The Posner Group
Strategies for personal growth and improved impact to businesses, organizations and individuals.
Jerry Traylor
Has run across America on crutches due to cerebral palsy.
Jesse James Seminars
He specializes in motivational keynotes and seminars, corporate sales training, leadership and communications seminars. Site contains an audio welcome.
Jim Carroll
Author and speaker provides speeches that encourage people to cope with the rapid change in the world.
Joan Brock
Humorous motivational speaker and author who uses her life experience to teach, motivate, inspire, and encourage.
Joan Posivy
International speaker, author, and trainer.
Jocelyn Corville
Motivational speaker, trainer and executive coach helps business people increase productivity and improve business management skills and leadership effectiveness.
Joe Calloway
Motivational speaker. Helps companies build customer focused teams to compete and win in today's constantly changing marketplace.
Joe Girard
Salesman, author and speaker provides books, audio books and lectures for conventions, meetings and businesses worldwide.
Joe Sherren
Keynote speaker, employee development seminar leader and leadership skills presenter.
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