Bob Abrames
Offers salesforce systems training and lectures on the art of selling, marketing, and customer service.
Bob Davies
Motivational speaker that specializes in leadership, coaching, management training and team building. Motivational books and tapes also available.
Bodine Balasco
Keynote and motivational speaker, entertainer and seminar leader.
Bonnie Dean
A professional speaker who combines fun with engaging topics that inform, motivate and entertain the participants. Features topics, client list and testimonials, video sample, and contacts.
Brad Fregger
Offers keynote speeches and seminars. Talks focus on changing beliefs, attitudes and perceptions and creating and leading exceptional teams.
Brett Eastburn
Motivational public speaker. He has no arms or legs but more importantly he says he has no handicaps. He will motivate your staff or students with his humorous and motivating talk.
Brian Jones
Motivational speaker on the subject of agathism.
Bruce Boguski
Motivational speaker and peak performance consultant offers seminars, books and other materials.
Buford P. Fuddwhacker
Motivational keynote speaker, down-home country humorist and backwoods philosopher.
Burg Communications, Inc.
Motivational speaking engagements with Bob Burg.
Byrd Baggett
Author speaks on performance and leadership.
C. McNair Wilson
Motivational speaking for corporate seminars. Schedule and information on presentations.
Canine and Abled
Motivational speaking program with an emphaisis on service dog education. Presentations available to schools, businesses and civic organizations.
Cara Atkins
Motivational speaker shares her story of life changing disabilities caused by traumatic brain injury.
Caroline Hamilton
Lead the 1st all-women team to reach both Poles. She is now a successful motivational speaker.
Caterina Rando
The author of Learn to Power Think offers motivational speeches, workshops, trainings and personal career development.
Cathy Weber-Zunker
A public speaker whose site contains details of her presentations. The desired objectives of each are also listed.
Chad Varga
Using his life as an example, Chad motivates young people to have hope and believe they can achieve, no matter what the odds against them.
Chip Eichelberger
Motivational speaker. Keynotes, workshops and seminars for corporate groups, organizations and associations. Cumming, Georgia.
Choose What Works
Keynotes, consulting and coaching by Howard Goldman.
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