AAAI Elected Fellows
Elected Fellows of the American Association for Artificial Intelligence
Airoldi, Edoardo
Carnegie Mellon. Euclidean, differential or algebraic geometrical intuitions underlying statistical models and algorithms. Discrete mathematics and sequential models. Applications to textual data, biological sequences, communication networks and privacy.
Alam, Shah Jamal
German Research Center for AI (DFKI). Intelligent tutoring systems, social organizations in MAS, family (Eastern) dynamics.
Allen, James F.
University of Rochester. Natural language understanding, discourse, knowledge representation, common-sense reasoning and planning.
Altman, Christopher
Quantum Transport, Kavli Institute of Nanoscience, Delft University of Technology. Confluence of quantum mechanics and information science.
Angele, Jürgen
Ontoprise. Knowledge engineering, domain and task modeling, ontologies, KARL, MIKE, web portals.
Bacchus, Fahiem
University of Toronto. Planning systems, temporal logic, constraint satisfaction problems and formal models.
Bagga, Amit
Avaya, Inc. Document summarization, information retrieval, cross-document coreference.
Bahlmann, Claus
Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg, Germany, On-line handwriting recognition.
Benjamin, D. Paul
Pace University. Problem decomposition and theory reformulation, integrated cognitive architectures for autonomous robots, distributed constraint satisfaction problems, semigroup theory and dynamical systems, category theory in software design.
Biermann, Alan W.
Duke University. Chair, Department of Computer Science. AAAI Fellow. Computational linguistics, automatic programming and inference, Author of Great Ideas in Computer Science.
Blum, Avrim
Carnegie Mellon University. Interests include machine learning, approximation algorithms, on-line algorithms and planning systems. Online publications and talks.
Boumaza, Amine
INRIA. Computer vision, mobile robots, evolutionary programming, AI and machine learning.
Brachman, Ron
Director of the Information Processing Technology Office (IPTO) at DARPA. Knowledge representation, machine learning, information retrieval, natural language processing.
Branting, L. Karl
LiveWire Logic, Inc. Empirical methods of natural language processing, case-based reasoning, AI and law, ecological and environmental applications of AI.
Bunt, Andrea
University of British Columbia. User modeling, adaptive interfaces, intelligent tutoring systems.
Carberry, Sandra
University of Delaware. Department of Computer and Information Sciences Chair. Computational linguistics, dialog systems, machine learning, planning and plan recognition, medical informatics, user modeling.
Carreras, Xavier
Universitat Politechnica de Catalunya, PhD student, machine learning, natural language processing.
Carroll, John A.
University of Sussex. Natural language parsing, acquisition of lexical information from text, automatic generation of text from semantic representations.
Cassell, Justine
MIT Media Lab. Gesture and narrative language, animated agents, intonation, facial expression, computer vision.
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