Chachra, Sumit
University of Arizona. Document analysis, biometrics, image retrieval, autonomic computing.
Charniak, Eugene
Brown University. Part-of-speech tagging, probabilistic context-free grammar induction, syntactic disambiguation through word statistics, efficient syntactic parsing, and lexical resource acquisition through statistical means.
Chavez, Guillermo Camara
Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG), Brazil. Pattern recognition, invariante pattern recognition, neural networks, image content-base retrieval, digital image processing, computer vision.
Clancey, William J.
NASA/Ames Research Center. Brahms multiagent simulation system, situated cognition, Haughton-Mars Project, human-centered computing.
Clough, Paul D.
University of Sheffield. Information retrieval.
Conati, Cristina
University of British Columbia. User modeling, emotionally intelligent agents, adaptive user interfaces, Bayesian network student models.
Conitzer, Vincent
Carnegie Mellon School of Computer Science. Phd Student. Intersection of computer science and game theory, computer science and economics, multiagent systems, automated negotiation and contracting.
Cortes, Nareli Cruz
CINVESTAV-IPN. Artificial immune system optimization, genetic algorithms, evolutionary computation.
Crow, Dan
Unicru Inc. Intelligent search engines, machine learning, concept abstraction, adaptive interfaces.
Danescu, Radu
Technical University of Cluj. Image processing, stereovision, intelligent vehicles.
de Salvo Braz, Rodrigo
University of Illinois. First-order probabilistic inference, text entailing, human-computer interaction.
Delord, Christophe
ENSEEIHT, France, Computer Science engineer, Artificial Intelligence (dialogue simulation, speech acts, PROLOG), Python, lexical and syntactic parsing.
Di Eugenio, Barbara
University of Illinois at Chicago. Interpretation and generation of instructional text, computational models of tutorial dialogue, modeling collaboration in human-human and computer-human dialogues, referential expressions.
Dorigo, Marco
Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium. Research projects in Ant algorithms, metaheuristics for combinatorial optimization, robot shaping and behavior engineering.
Dorst, Leo
University of Amsterdam. Applications of geometric (Clifford) algebra, exploration, reasoning with uncertainty in robotics.
Dror, Gideon
Academic College of Tel-Aviv-Yaffo. Text categorization, machine learning applications in bioinformatics, medicine, machine vision and high energy physics, feature selection for categorization and regression problems, artificial neural networks.
Ehlert, Patrick
Delft University of Technology. List of projects and publications. Interests in agents and robotics.
Elliott, Clark
DePaul University. Affective reasoning, synthetic characters, animated tutoring agents, emotion representation.
Faltings, Boi
Director of Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, EPFL, President of Swiss AI Society. Software agents, constraint-based reasoning, case-based reasoning.
Finn, Aidan
Smart Media Institute, University College Dublin. Machine learning for automatic genre classification, active learning for information extraction.
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