Prashant, T. R.
DOS (mostly) and Windows utilities.
Preda, Marcel
Online English-Romanian and Romanian-English dictionaries. Also offers Romanian-English dictionary software for Windows and Linux.
Prohorenko, Alexey
About, resume. Funny pics. Photos.
Provinciali, Gabrieli
CV, weblog. Technology and programming links and notes. Photos.
Purnomo, Hary
Biodata, online memory game and some VCL components.
Purohit, Alpesh
Source code on C and C++, data structures, VB, graphics, Flash, BCA / MCA student.
Pusep, Stanislaw
An "exibition" for author's computing activities. The most well-suceeded projects, from reverse-engeneering stuff to algorithm implementations "for fun" and Perl coding.
Pyykko, Juhani
Game coding, graphics and downloads.
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