Purnomo, Hary
Biodata, online memory game and some VCL components.
Purohit, Alpesh
Source code on C and C++, data structures, VB, graphics, Flash, BCA / MCA student.
Pusep, Stanislaw
An "exibition" for author's computing activities. The most well-suceeded projects, from reverse-engeneering stuff to algorithm implementations "for fun" and Perl coding.
Pyykko, Juhani
Game coding, graphics and downloads.
Pan, Jennifer
About author, resume. Some programs written in C++, VB, and java with source code. Links.
Panakkal, Gregory R. - CrapWare
Freeware utilities, source codes, articles, security/vulnerabilty research.
Panov, George
Programming samples, forums, FAQs for Centura, Gupta, ORACLE, SQLBase, SQL, PL/SQL, creating custom controls for CTD. Large custom controls library CNUI.DLL
Papp, Akos
Personal info including philosophy, dreams, famaly, hobbis. Education and experience. Pictures. Java, Flash, HTML, JavaScript, PHP, security tutorials liks.
Parikh, Kaushal P
About, dreams, family, interests. Philosophy about life. Resume.
Parry, Saara
Newbie programmer's school projects, pictures and resume. VBScript, Java, HTML and SQL.
Parsons, Mark
Includes personal information, resume, photos, and programming projects. Located in Brantford, Ontario, Canada.
Patel, Dharmesh
About, resume. WAP page, DVD collection, CD collection, MP3 Songs. Wedding section. Links.
Pathak, Pradeep K.
Family and personal information, resume, photo gallery, papers, and links.
Patin, Frederic - Yov408 Technologies
About, CV. Projects in C/C++ (network, OpenGL, Allegro). Articles. Collection of programming, signal proccessing, fourier transforms, OpenGL tutorials. Also lots of car pictures. ShockWave games links.
Patterson, Andy - Home on the Greenhills
Contains information about a software product and a compiler for making compilers. Also Mormon history and pictures on steam automotive technology.
Paul, John - Spectral Division
Applications and resources for Pascal, C/C++, Visual C++, AI.
Pelliccio, Frank - 0xD
Info. ASP, Pascal, SQL articles and sources.
Pelzer, Eric
Activator (C++ class library), Ezscript (custom script languages), personal (biography, professional skills, sports).
Penkov, Ivan
Resume. Photos.
Petrov, Ivo
About, resume, web projects. Photo gallery. Downloads (music and software).
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