Ashton, Paul
CV. Programming (AMOS, BlizBasic). Tic Tac Toe and Tetris game for AMOS with sources. Amiga, Nintendo, Sega, Spectrum game screenshots and some game downloads. Photos.
Chowdry, Arnab -
Programming tutorials geared mainly towards game programming, and discussion forums. Research interests (biophysics). Writing.
Code Warrior
For amateur programmers who are interested in learning a language, or honing their skills.
OpenGL text renderer C++ class library. Live developer feed.
Da Krazed Programmer
Programming in BASIC (3D).
Dimond Software
Dedicated to personal programming projects with a forum based community that holds debates and creates sprite comics. Site provide game resources such as sprites and sound effects, and programming tutorials.
Edorul'S Web Pages
SDLMappy library which permits to use 2D maps created by Mappy (a 2D tiles based maps editor created by Robin Burrows). The Mappy program compiled for Linux. SDLSprite library, it permits to easily handle sprites. Soon, a library named LFGPhysics. It will permit to use physics for a moving vehicle (acceleration, brake, turn, grip...). A section about game programming on GameBoy (but only in french).
Etomic Software
Game previews and programming links.
Frazier, Ron
Apparition - 3D first person shooter engine in development. Also photos, photography blog.
Giner, Oscar
Games and libraries made by author, most of them making use of the Allegro library. There's also some source code from unfinished projects.
Greggman: Game Design, Business and Programming
Articles and opinions on Game Design by someone in the business for 17 years.
Hartl, Andreas - Runicsoft
Programming and game programming related articles, tutorials, free source, download of self written programs.
Heywood, Rik
Collection of articles that discuss various aspects of developing software and games. Book reviewes.
Imnes: Game Programmer's Homepage
Imnes' homepage. Information, tutorials, and links relating to games and game programming and development.
Jenkins, Josh - Inertia
About, CV. C/C++ Visual Basic game programming articles. OO game programming tutorial. OpenGL and natural language projects. Games with C++ sources.
Kovachev, Asen Kovachev - haimana
Bio, pictures, music. Phisically based modeling resoreces. Demos.
Marghidanu, Mircea - Nervus 3D Game Programming
Resume. Graphics and game related downloads (some with sources). Links.
Martin Otten's Quake Programming Site
Tools for Quake 3 Arena with VC++ source code available. The Argus source includes the Quake DM3 format.
Games, game programming and development, Also Dragonball Z and other game sections. Flash movies/games.
MeeZ Programming Resources
OpenGL game FALLEN (new 3d stylistic Tetris Clone). BreakoutX is a 3d rendition of the Breakout game. Examples of creating OpenGL and console applications using C#.
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