Olson, Elliott
Personal biography. Resume. Photo and screenshot gallery. Tools for game programmers.
Pedersen, Anders Bo - | FirstBreed |
Profile, portfolio and download sections, all related to computer science and game development.
Penttinen, Jani
Personal web page of 3D game programmer.
Perez, Elbert - MechaGhost DeFenSe Network
A online resume, personal page, and game design page. Artworks, poetry.
Programming of magic games
Pages Sergey Anisimov for games development on BC ++ VESA.
Reidonius' Programming Lair
devoted to the C++ and Windows ventures and projects of Reid Howard.
Renewed, Tidus
An abundant collection of original creations using various media. Particularly focusing on drawing and animation. Also programming and games, including source code.
Rosendal, Alexander - A Gameprogrammer's Journey
Creating games using Delphi. Includes tutorials, projects and links to other resources.
Sam Edmonds - Game Maker Fan Site
Games, Ggame Maker examples, editable GM files and other GM links. There are also a miscellaneous page.
Scibilia, Gabriele
About, contact information and skills. Resume. Portfolio and artworks. C/C++ graphics related sources. Documents.
Sink, Keith - DX Games
Site is dedicated to DirectX, Arcade Games, and TrueSpace. Tools, demos and games with sources. How-To sections. Homepage author's book "DirectX 8 and Visual Basic Development" with table of content and related sources.
Steven's Home Page
Games information and source code.
Strawn, Devon - Devon Strawn's Art of Code
Notes on computational geometry, graphics algorithms, and mathematics of graphics and game programming. Some of art and textures too.
Sznober, Terry
Game programming and graphics programming projects (DOS, Java, OpenGL, Direct3D based). Online resume and downloadable samples and screenshots.
Wagner, Max
Projects, demos, source code, and tutorials demonstrating techniques and algorithms used in real-time physics-based games and simulations. Polemic, perspectives, links, and an all around good time for those seeking enlightment through code.
Wei, Wang Chen
Introduction. JavaScript games downloads. Author's Windows and DOS programs. Music composed by author.
Westberg, Niklas
Archive of author's OpenGL demos and games. Lip sync thesis and demo.
Yves Debilloez
Chess, computer chess, programming, algorithms, AI, and connect 4. Free download of source code and games.
Game projects with sources. C++ tutorials. Downloads.
Arthur, James - Teamonkey's Domain
Development diary and examples of games programming, OpenGL rendering and physical simulations.
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