Software development kit for PC, PS2, and Mac.
Java Monkey Engine
A 3D game engine written in and for Java. Many features including collisions, particle systems, shaders, terrain system, renderer abstraction.
NemoX 3D Engine
A 3D engine written in Visual Basic. It provides fast methods to manage 3D geometry throught DirectX 8.1. The web site includes tutorials, demos, source code and downloads.
A 3D game engine (C++). [Open source, MPL]
An open source 3D virtual world for Linux and OpenGL.
High-level, object-oriented 3D engine designed for 3D games in Java. Uses GL4Java to access native OpenGL. [Open Source, LGPL]
An open source 3D game engine coded in Java and OpenGL. It features on high performance scenegraph on top of gl4java.
3D engine with a tutorial explaining how to use it, and other programs that will help you to build a library of objects and animations.
Panard Vision
An attempt to develop a fast generic high quality 3D renderer, with support for the most common used rendering methods, and special FX.
Phil Frisbie's Programming Page
My personal 3D game programming pages. You will find several past and present projects, most with full source code.
Ploksoftware ExNihilo 3d Engine
Web site of ExNihilo 3D engine Tutorial video demo source ...
Power Render 3D Engine
Powerful 3D engine that combines indoor BSP and outdoor terrain levels. Includes Windows based tools and editors using DirectX 8's latest features. [Commercial, w/ demo]
Programming Multimedia and 3D in Realtime
SouthGreece - the OpenGL Trender implementation; Trender SDL - a software-only realtime renderer of 3D Studio files; Earth - a Linux renderer that uses Voodoo cards to show a simple model of the earth and the sun; 3DEnvMap - a Real-time 3D Renderer with Gouraud-Shaded Environment Mapping.
A 3D graphics game engine based on id Software's legendary Quake and QuakeWorld game engine.
An open source (C language) game engine that provides a set of functions to allow quick and flexible games creation. Functions covers things like player inputs, rendering, On Screen Display, time and sound.
3D game engine. It uses DX9, and has 3D, 2D, Mouse, Joystick, Keyboard support.
A series of tutorials on raycasting and 3D Programming without a 3D API.
Serenity Engine
A suite of libraries and tools that provide solution for multi-platform game development on consoles and PC. Supports most major 3D packages.
3D renderer DLL based on the Direct3D. [Only for testing]
Sora Innosia Maze
Free 3D Maze Engine written in Visual C++ 6.0, with free game title Sora Innosia Maze. [Open source, GPL]
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