IWeThey Forum
Over 40 sub-boards devoted to topics such as general discussion, current events, humor, jobs, religion, politics, science, money, sports, entertainment and computers and technology.
The Knowledge Zone
Devoted to a variety of specific topics including IT, games, movies, MP3s, sports, and debate.
Legacy Nexus
Entertainment community primarily focussed on anime, comics, and video gaming.
Life is Annoying
Full range of topics including politics, world events, law, philosophy, religion, sex, conundrums, environment, science, technology, and conspiracies.
The Lightsaber Crew
Chit chat message board with a primary focus on entertainment. Also features games and live chat.
Living With Style
A general discussion forum with topics including video games, cars, anime, sex, computer and technology, personal issues, drugs.
The Mantel - A Virtual Water Cooler
Diverse selection of topics including relationships, gardening, philosophy, fitness and technical issues.
Media Blvd
A safe community to discuss television, movies, celebrities, and hobbies.
General community centered around its message board, also including a links list and an art arena.
Nasty Forums
Indonesian based message board with a young adult membership base. Topics include food, fashion, entertainment, music, hobbies and school. [Messages in English and Indonesian.]
Neo Helix Forums
An interactive community for discussing a wide range of topics including debates, education subjects, comedy, recreation and media.
Nightly.net Message Board
Topics include TV, movies, science and technology, Star Wars, and video games.
NZ Boards
Off-topic community, with specific areas dedicated to discussing lifestyle and entertainment.
Boards related to magazines published by Time Inc.
Forum, private messaging and journals. Topics include general chat, relationships, local and world issues, lifestyle and technology.
General chat forum featuring both a serious discussion area and a section with a more laid back atmosphere.
Public Mouth
Originally created to reunite people from LOOT, London's free ad paper, but now open to people across the world. Messages and announcements of get-togethers in London. [Yahoo Group]
Purely Random
A small, community-forming site with a focus on posting fairly lengthy "random thoughts." Users can comment on existing thoughts or post their own.
Rant N Rave
Uncensored posts on current events and personal rants.
Reality Check
Eclectic mixture of message board topics including political issues, the arts, and general chat.
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