Ant for DOS 1.1
An open source implementation of Langton's ant in Q-Basic. Supports older monitors; by Robin Upton.
The CA Extension
An implementation of cellular automata for the GIS software ArcView from ESRI.
Beta version of the Cellular Automata Browser, a combination of Java and Java-Script that allows to browse through a large number of one-dimensional CA-rules, by Martin Schaller.
An application for simulating complex systems; by André Homeyer. Requires Java.
A generic and extensible cellular automaton simulation engine written in Python.
Capow98 - Cellular Automata and Electric Power
A Windows application that can simulate and analyze various one-dimensional and two-dimensional cellular automata, part of the Cellular Automata and Electric Power project lead by Dr. Rudy Rucker.
Cellular Automata and the Edge of Chaos
David J. Eck's Java-illustrated introduction to 1-dimensional cellular automata.
Cellular Automata Generator
An interactive cellular automata generator with C++ source code available for downloading; by Kevin McDermott.
Cellular Automata in Optical Mapping
A Java applet demonstrating cellular automata models of cardiac dynamics; by Gil Bub.
Cellular Automata Laboratory
An extendable DOS/Windows application for exploring cellular automata, accompanied by a thorough user guide; by Rudy Rucker and John Walker.
Cellular Automata Miscellanea
A repository with cellular automata related papers, lectures and software concentrating on Rule 110 by Harold V. McIntosh.
The Cellular Automata Simulation System
A compiler for the Cellang cellular automata programming language, along with the corresponding documentation, viewer, and various tools; by J Dana Eckart.
Cellular Automata Tutorial
A cellular automata tutorial that covers the structure, behaviour and some applications of CA and offers a philosophical background as well; by Alexander Schatten.
Cellular Automata with One-Dimensional Simulation (CAOS)
A Java applet running one-dimensional cellular automata; by Martin Schaller.
Cellular Automaton Music
Music samples generated using some popular cellular automata rules; by John Elliott.
Cellular Computations
Theoretical introduction to finite automata, cellular automata, iterons and solitons, by Pawel Siwak.
Complex Computation Lab - Trend and jTrend
2D general-purpose cellular automata simulators for Unix or Java at Iowa State University.
Digital Philosophy
Edward Fredkin's papers exploring the idea of a world where all quantities in nature are finite and discrete, with a chapter on cellular automata.
Digital Physics
A site devoted to the Edward Fredkin's idea that our entire Universe can be represented as a computer program. FAQ, relevant articles, cellular automata pictures, movies, VRML models and programs.
Discrete, Amorphous Physical Models
Minimal discrete models. Cellular automata-like animations without grids or synchronization; by Erik Rauch.
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