Cellular Automata with One-Dimensional Simulation (CAOS)
A Java applet running one-dimensional cellular automata; by Martin Schaller.
Cellular Automaton Music
Music samples generated using some popular cellular automata rules; by John Elliott.
Cellular Computations
Theoretical introduction to finite automata, cellular automata, iterons and solitons, by Pawel Siwak.
Complex Computation Lab - Trend and jTrend
2D general-purpose cellular automata simulators for Unix or Java at Iowa State University.
Digital Philosophy
Edward Fredkin's papers exploring the idea of a world where all quantities in nature are finite and discrete, with a chapter on cellular automata.
Digital Physics
A site devoted to the Edward Fredkin's idea that our entire Universe can be represented as a computer program. FAQ, relevant articles, cellular automata pictures, movies, VRML models and programs.
Discrete, Amorphous Physical Models
Minimal discrete models. Cellular automata-like animations without grids or synchronization; by Erik Rauch.
Discrete Dynamics Lab
Tools for researching discrete dynamical networks - from cellular automata to random boolean networks; by Andrew Wuensche.
Dr.Cell Cellular Automata Simulator
A tool for simulating uniform or non-uniform cellular automata for a variety of neighborhood models, implemented in Scheme (a dialect of Lisp) using PLT's Dr.Scheme.
Evolving Cellular Automata Group, Santa Fe Institut
Development and research of evolving cellular automata with genetic algorithms, computational mechanics, population dynamics and coevolution.
Exploring Emergence
Java-based active essay on complexity concepts by Mitchel Resnick and Brian Silverman.
Five Cellular Automata
Windows software implementing five cellular automata: q-state Life, Belouzov-Zhabotinsky Reaction, Togetherness, Viral Replication and Diffusion-Limited Aggregation; by Hermetic Systems.
Groovy Lava by NetPlay Software
Cellular Automata software that uses probability theory with Conway's game of life rules to produce new and beautiful animations using DirectX 8.0.
Hexagonal Life
A hexagonal version of John Conway's game of life, for Windows and Macintosh.
A Java demonstration of cellular automata on a hexagonal grid.
IFIP Working Group 1.5
IFIP WG Cellular Automata and Machines home page. Resources on CA.
Introduction to Cellular automata
(game of life, brian's brain...) available in PDF, illustrated with a program (CAV) and an applet which show the capability of a conway CA to manage boolean functions as part of a Turing machine(LogiCell).
Isle Ex Applet Cellsprings-Web
A general 2D cellular automaton explorer implemented as a Java 1.1 applet. By John Elliott.
Java applets collection
Links to sites containing applets for various CA: Conway's game of life, Bays' 3-D life, triangular CA and life objects, and some new games of life that have been discovered in the hexagonal and pentagonal tessellations.
Jeffrey Ventrella's Artificial Life
A collection of Jeffrey Ventrella's AL programs, including a very original "Breeding gliders with CA" simulator. Papers on Artificial Life.
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