Philosophy Topics: AI
AI Topics provides basic, understandable information and helpful resources concerning artificial intelligence, with an emphasis on material available online.
Polycontexturality Homepage
The idea of an extension of classical logic to cover simultaneously active ontological locations develop a philosophical theory and a mathematics of dialectics and of self-referential systems - a cybernetic theory of subjectivity as an interplay of cognition and volition.
Principia Cybernetica
The Principia Cybernetica Project (PCP) is an international organization that tries to tackle age-old philosophical questions with the help of the most recent cybernetic theories and technologies. Stated more precisely, the Project's aim is the computer-supported collaborative development of an evolutionary-systemic philosophy.
PSYCHE: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Research on Consciousness
"A refereed electronic journal dedicated to supporting the interdisciplinary exploration of the nature of consciousness and its relation to the brain."
Sentience: The next moral dilemma
By Richard Barry: Humankind will have to decide how to live with a new sentient race. Sometime in the future machines will reach a level of intelligence that will challenge, or even surpass our own.
Some Philosophy and AI material
Links to resources for the following topics: Philosophy, Artificial Intelligence, Computer Science Technical Documents.
Thoughts on Artificial Intelligence
Some reflections on Artificial Intelligence and the nature of the Turing Test.
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