Artificial Intelligence Center at the University of Georgia
Computer modeling of intelligent behavior, including but not limited to modeling the human mind. Topic is viewed as an interdisciplinary field where computer science intersects with philosophy, psychology, linguistics, engineering, and other fields.
Center for Research on Concepts and Cognition at Indiana University
An interdisciplinary research center headed by Douglas Hofstadter
CMU School of Computer Science
Education in computer music, data mining, machine learning, vision, and speech with a list of research topics.
Computational Epistemology Lab at University of Waterloo
A facility for research into cognitive science and related philosophical areas
Computational Intelligence Research Laboratory - University of Oregon
Research focus on basic questions in artificial intelligence including search, knowledge representation, and reasoning. Emphasis is on planning, constraint satisfaction, and common sense reasoning.
Computer Science Research Groups
University of Massachusetts, Amherst. Research is done on a wide range of topics including those in AI. Topic and research group listing.
DAIS-Danish Artificial Intelligence Society Home Page
Danish AI research and resources. Includes project listings, publication resources and Danish program resources.
European Graduate School - Artificial Life Group
Archive and webzine of the Artifical Life project at European Graduate School, Media and Communication studies.
Institute of Interdisciplinary Research and Developments in Intelligence Artificial.
IRIDIA, Université Libre de Bruxelles. Projects funded by the European Union. Many current projects listed, including: Metaheuristics, Hybrid belief systems, and uncertain reasoning.
Jozef Stefan Institute - Slovenia
Department of Intelligent Systems, research areas include, but are not limited to: machine learning, knowledge-based systems, qualitative modeling, decision making, logic programming, natural language processing, and cognitive science.
Jozef Stefan Institute, Department of Knowledge Technologies
Research on knowledge technologies, including data mining, machine learning, decision support, language technologies, and knowledge management, as well as industrial applications and development of the knowledge-based society.
ÖFAI-Austrian Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence
At ÖFAI basic and applied research is performed in several areas of AI, most notably: Natural Language Processing, Neural Networks (Connectionism), Machine Learning and Data Mining, Knowledge-Based Systems, Constraint Logic Programming, Intelligent Software Agents and New Media, AI and Society
Research in Artificial Intelligence at Edinburgh University
Undergraduate, Graduate, and Research Programs offered in many areas of AI and multi-disciplinary combinations, from a program which traces its roots back to 1963.
Rutgers Center for Cognitive Science
Research Center pursuing such issues as knowledge-acquisition, learning, representation, formal and computational studies in computational logic and artificial intelligence.
School of Cognitive and Computing Sciences
Center for multi - disciplinary research and teaching in the fields of Artificial Intelligence, Computer Science, Linguistics, Philosophy and Psychology.
SFB/TR8 - Spatial Cognition
The interdisciplinary Transregional Collaborative Research Center "Spatial Cognition: Reasoning, Action, Interaction" is concerned with the acquisition, organization, utilization and revision of knowledge about spatial environments, be it real or abstract, human or machine
SRI's Artificial Intelligence Center
Founded in 1966, the center's objectives are to understand the computational principles underlying intelligence in man and machines and to develop methods for building computer-based systems to solve problems, to communicate with people, and to perceive and interact with the physical world.
U of W, Artificial Intelligence Research Group
University of Washington, includes research topics, areas of study, faculty, student, and alumni listings.
University of Michigan AI Lab Home Page
Active faculty research projects, research achievements, graduate school information and other topic areas.
UPenn Institute for Research in Cognitive Science
University of Pennsylvania Institute includes topic areas, areas of research, faculty listings and publication links.
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