Scriptol Php
It is designed to be natural, safe, very powerful, and to allow you program computers, not only very quickly but also with pleasure. The personal edition is free. Both the personal and enterprise version produce Php code from Scriptol code.
Scripts Engine
Server-side and client-side scripts collection categorized by programming language.
Scripts for Developers and Programmers
Directory of free and paid scripts across all types of platforms. Fully searchable.
A blog for people who don't know everything about scripts and stuff to learn from each other. ASP, PHP and Javascript related articles. CSS tricks.
Shorthand Scripting Language
An embedded scripting language for web applications.
Simply Scripting
Scripts and script snippets, forum, chat, documentation. NTBatch, Perl, Kixstart, VBScript.
Index of free and commercial PHP, ASP, Perl scripts.
SWIG (Simplified Wrapper and Interface Generator)
A tool that easily allows a developer to wrap C/C++ functions for use with scripting languages. Currently supports Python, Perl, and Tcl.
Windows scripting language: provides automation abilities via simulated input and/or COM, template expansion (useful for layout/content separation for HTML generation), built-in functions for FTP, HTTP, Email, Multimedia, CGI.
Script directory of Web programming-related resources and scripts.
A small embeddable scripting language with C-like syntax. Primitive functions can be easily added to be called by script, to call script functions, and to define operator behaviors for user objects.
Specialty Scripting Languages
BeanShell, NQL, Simkin, and Slate fill specific needs. We often argue that scripting languages should complement developers' reliance on Java. What about Java itself for scripting? [] (November 3, 2000)
Free scripts includes JavaScript, Perl, VBScript, Tcl, and Applescript.
ASK (Assisted Symbiotic Knowledge)
Scripting language designed by end users for real time programming.
PHP, PERL, JavaScript, ASP script and programs, tutorials, articles and books.
C-like scripting language, supports DLL and COM, so can be used to develop OpenGl and DirectX programs.
The Network Improv Template Language. A scripting language engine for C++ applications which require flexible, user-configurable output generation and internal scripting.
EZ Goal Developer
Resource site with free and commercial Perl scripts, ASP scripts, JavaScripts, PHP Scripts.
Free Scripts Galore
Includes only free scripts for PHP, ASP, Javascript.
GameMonkey Scripting Language
A C-like embedded scripting language that is intended for use in game and tool applications.
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