Cetus Links: Languages
Over 11,000 links on objects and components.
Object Oriented FAQ: Object FAQ
The most comprehensive resource on object technology anywhere.
Object Oriented Programming: A guide for the beginner, from Modula-2 to Java
Tutorial teaching basics of object oriented programming. Tailored to no one specific language, but examples are in C++, Java, Modula-2.
Object Oriented Programming in C
Paul Field's fine, clear paper, published in C Vu 4:1 (November 1991), on how to use an object-like discipline with a procedural language.
Object Technology
General introduction; documenting; suppliers, consulting firms, consortia; patterns, frameworks, class libraries; distributed objects; languages; databases; operating systems; modeling, methodologies; publications, people.
The Object-Oriented Page
Large, well researched list of OO issues, languages, projects, and links. Excellent resource.
Objects on the Web: Designing, Building, and Deploying Object-Oriented Applications for the Web
By Ron Ben-Naton.
OO Language Page
Includes links to information on OOPLs, user group and JDK, IDE and libraries.
OOP 2005 Conference
(January 2005) presents object-based solutions in an expansive and fully comprehensive forum for users, experts and leading vendors.
Planet Source Code
Lets OOP programmers submit code for review by other programmers; many source code samples to help educate beginners on many concepts; contests where programmers vote for the most efficient, useful code recently submitted.
Survey of Object Oriented Programming Languages
Article by Chris Hostetter. This paper was intended as a learning experience for the author, in an attempt to better understand the history and development of Object Oriented Programming Languages.
Webopedia: Object-oriented programming
Defines the term 'object-oriented programming', lists some links where you can get more information.
What is Object-Oriented Software: An Introduction
Simple explanations for object newbies.
WebReference.com: Class-Based vs. Prototype-Based Languages
Brief explanation by Yehuda Shiran, Ph.D. (February 15, 2001)
Modular Programming Languages
By Hanspeter Mössenböck; Springer-Verlag, 1997, ISBN 3540625992. Refereed proceedings, Joint Modular Languages Conference, JMLC'97; Linz, Austria; 24 revised full papers; languages, techniques, tools to develop modular, extensible, type-safe software systems; Modula, Oberon, Ada 95, Eiffel, Sather, Java, others. [Springer-Verlag] (March 21, 1997)
Cetus Links: Languages
Over 11,000 links on objects and components.
Object Oriented FAQ: Object FAQ
The most comprehensive resource on object technology anywhere.
Object Oriented Programming: A guide for the beginner, from Modula-2 to Java
Tutorial teaching basics of object oriented programming. Tailored to no one specific language, but examples are in C++, Java, Modula-2.
Object Oriented Programming in C
Paul Field's fine, clear paper, published in C Vu 4:1 (November 1991), on how to use an object-like discipline with a procedural language.
Object Technology
General introduction; documenting; suppliers, consulting firms, consortia; patterns, frameworks, class libraries; distributed objects; languages; databases; operating systems; modeling, methodologies; publications, people.
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