Piccola: A Small Composition Language
PI based COmposition LAnguage: research language to explore the paradigm: Application = Components + Scripts. From the University of Berne.
Piccola Wiki
Wiki for this language. Treats 2 implementations: JPiccola, done in Java; SPiccola, done in Squeak. Descriptions, tutorial, syntax, libraries, bug list, FAQ.
ResearchIndex: From Competition to Amalgamation of Different Programming Paradigms
Describes basic elements (data, actions, tunings, voids, mixtures, ...) and principles of programming (stratification, implicit knowledge, limited freedom, ...), directed to amalgamating different programming paradigms (imperative, object-oriented, functional, constraint, ...) in a unified process of generating computer system models.
A multi-paradigm type-safe programming language. It integrates features of object-oriented and functional languages. Statically typed, interoperates with Java and .Net, XML aware. [Open source, BSD-like license]
UFO: United Functions and Objects
UFO1.0 was implemented in UFO, and a basic compiler, generating ANSI C; was produced early in the project. This implemention evolved over time, was used to produce a wide range of applications in UFO: numeric benchmarks, programming tools, and natural language processing. Free.
UFO: United Functions and Objects: Draft Language Description
Download of UMCS-92-4-3.
Uniting Functions and Objects
Abstract of John Sargeant 4-Dec-1996 colloquium.
Was named Longjing. Supports general-purpose, concurrent, object-oriented, functional, and logic programming. Conventional syntax similar to C/C++, C#, Java.
Vista: Concepts and Architecture of Vista: a Multiparadigm Programming Environment
Visual multiparadigm programming: visual + object-oriented (signal flow + data flow); from Proceedings of 10th IEEE/CS Symposium on Visual Languages, St. Louis, USA, 4-7 October 1994.
X Language: xlang
The eXtensible Language: easy to use, multi-syntax, portable set of APIs to create CLI and GUI applications for Unix/X11 and Win32; will ease making big applications, has interpreter/compiler/debugger. [Open Source, GPL]
Heron: Introducing The Heron Programming Language
Forum with many comments. [Slashdot] (December 8, 2004)
Weblog of news and developments for Heron language. [Atom]
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