Javascripts Galore
Scripting resource and community including articles, code in practice and a knowledge bank of Javascript information.
JSAN - JavaScript Archive Network
A repository of open source code to draw from for JavaScript, inspired by Perl's CPAN.
The New World - Javascript
Javascript related webdevelopment resources, including books, references, scripts and programs, tools, tips and tutorials.
programmershelp : Javascript Section
A JavaScript resource with links to tutorials , book reviews, downloads, scripts in a variety of different categories.
programmingsite - JavaScript section
A collection of resources for JavaScript.
Suite101 - JavaScript
JavaScript news, tutorials, discussions and links.
United Scripters
Javascript++, javascript algorithms, complex scripts. Essays on programming issues.
Webmonkey's JavaScript Collection
Tutorials, free plug-and-play code, FAQs.
Many up-to-date JavaScript tutorials and scripts.
Tests and compares the JavaScript speed of PC and Browser in various ways: text and image manipulation, popup handling, mathematical performance. The test is free.
Javascript code, tutorials.
CodeHound JavaScript
JavaScript Community Calendar. Also have search engine for JavaScript developers.
JavaScript articles, scripts, online tools, book reviews, bookmarklets, and other resources for programmers and webmasters.
DevEdge Online - JavaScript Developer Central
From Netscape. Client-side and server-side JavaScript resources.
Doc JavaScript
Biweekly JavaScript tutorials and tools. Also features a JavaScript tip of the day. - The Programming Portal
Includes scripts, tutorials, and wizards for helping to learn to write javascripts.
GlobalShareware - JavaScript
JavaScript shareware tools and scripts catalog.
Higher Order JavaScript
Notes by Sean Burke, inspired by "Higher order Perl", that highlight the parallels between JavaScript, Perl, and functional languages.
Up-to-date JavaScript news and scripts written by the author.
Ivan Peters Dot Com
JavaScript overview, adding "Find In Page" feature to web site. Also skydiving stuff.
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