Mugshot Maker
Online applet fot creating own mugshot.
Net Imaging
Allows to process a photo online: crop, resize, rotate, flip. The resulting image can be uploaded to the server in JPEG format. No plug-in is required. [Shareware]
Online Image editor
One may create or edit a picture directly at a Web page. A picture may be uploaded/downloaded to/from a server in PNG format. Installation assistance.[Commercial/Evaluation]
Colorful applets with source code and a comprehensive description of the applet parameters. The applets are written in Java 1.0 and thus available problem-free on all Java enabled browsers. Applets
Collection of 6 free visual effect applets. Flame, Imgshow, Sphere3D, Snowdrift, StarGaze, and StarZone.
Sierpinski's gasket pseudo-fractal applet
This applet draws a pseudo Sierpinski's gasket fractal using logical operators on binary numbers from 0-15.
Choose colors and shapes to create spirograph artwork.
Vertical text scroller (java applet).
A 2D graphics applet and control interpreted language. Using it easier than coding effects in Java.
Verobelle Inventions - Animation Programs
Animator1 is program targetted at beginner animators. It allows a multi frame animation to be composed quickly using simple yet sophisticated tools. The Animator2 program takes over where Animator1 left off. It allows a more sophisticated multi-object, multi-segment animations to be produced. [Commercial]
Applet that allows the viewing of color or black and white TIFF documents through the Internet. [Commercial, w/ demo version]
Virtual Experiences
Virtual worlds in Java3d and interactive dynamic graphics in Java2d.
Lines and circles. [Shareware]
A Java applet, including source code, that lets you warp Bill Gates' face (or, indeed, anyone else's).
An interactive Mandelbrot fractal applet.
Amazing Spiro
An applet for making spirograph-like drawings; supports saving. Source available on request.
The Animator Applet
Plays a sequence of images, as a loop or a one-shot. Also supports playing a soundtrack and sound effects tied to individual frames. [Source included]
Astral Visuals
Mind expanding 3d-visuals, screensavers and virtual reality. 3D-rides, tunnels, fractals, virtual worlds and space journeys.
Java multi-media, animation, and utility applets with free download kits. [Freeware]
Dragonlady Applets
Using applets to enhance images. Applets include lake, ripple, deform, huerot, snow, pool, doodle.
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