ANS-compatible FORmula TRANslator
By Julian Noble, written in Forth.
AUTO_DERIV: Tool for automatic differentiation of a Fortran code
Site has abstract, summary and link to full paper describing the program, but not the code itself.
Avoiding the Unnecessary Recompilation of Fortran 90 Modules
Paper by Daniel Grimwood appears at site, along with Perl scripts used to solve the problem.
Basis Code Development System
System for developing interactive computer programs in Fortran. Using Basis you can create a program that has a sophisticated programming language as its user interface so that the user can set, calculate with, and plot, all the major variables in the program. The program author writes only the scientific part of the program in Fortran, C or C++; Basis supplies an environment in which to exercise that scientific programming which includes an interactive language interpreter, graphics, error recovery, macros, saving and retrieving variables, formatted I/O, and on-line documentation.
Tool to automatically parallelize Fortran 77 applications.
Generates a Fortran-callable wrapper for routines written in C, using only a small, structured comment and the declaration of the routine in C. This tool has been used on two large software packages, PETSc and the MPICH implementation of MPI.
Library for estimating the round-off error propagation on every scientific code written in Fortran or C.
Chasm: Language Interoperability Tools
Tool to improve C++ and Fortran 90 interoperability. Chasm parses Fortran 90 source code and automatically generates C++ bridging code that can be used in C++ programs to make calls to Fortran routines. It also automatically generates C structs that provide a bridge to Fortran derived types. Chasm supplies a C++ array descriptor class which provides an interface between C and F90 arrays. This allows arrays to be created in one language and then passed to and used by the other language.
Cobalt Blue, Inc.
Provide software tools including For_Study (Fortran Static Analyzer), For_Struct (Fortran Restructurer), and For_C (Fortran to C conversion software). Also offers Fortran consulting and code customization services.
Program by Michael Metcalf that converts Fortran 77 source form to free format Fortran 90 source.
Tool for FORTRAN to Visual BASIC source code conversion.
Einsys Fortran
Integrated development environment for g77 compiler.
MTASK is a parallel programming language for memory-sharing environments. LAIPE (Link And In Parallel Execute) is a high-performance package for scientific and engineering computing, programmed in MTASK.
Extended Fortran Types (XFT) Library
Set of modules by Jugoslav Dujic which wrap some of Win32 functionality most used for building GUIs. It is distributed as free, open source resource. Currently, XFT is available only for the Compaq/Intel Visual Fortran compiler since it partially depends on some extensions, namely, integer (Cray) pointers and DEC$ metacommands.
Fast Fortran Toolbar(FFT)
Add-on to enhance the IDE of Compaq Visual Fortran 6.x .
Fortran to C translator.
Fortran to Common Lisp Translator.
Perl program by Erik Demaine that generates pages of HTML documentation from Fortran 90 source.
Perl script by Colby Lemon which does much of the tedious work of converting Fortran 77 source code into Fortran 90/95 form. Site has links to other fixed to free source form converters.
Perl program by Jesper W. Krogh to generate a flow chart of a Fortran 77 program.
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