A subroutines for solving some types of algebraically explicit differential algebraic equations.
DSP Library
Digital signal processing programs written in Fortran. It includes subroutines for FIR and IIR filter design, FFT routines, and various other programs for signal processing.
Set of simple procedures by Gary Scott for interfacing with the console window on Windows from Fortran.
Fortran Library Source Code
General purpose Fortran 77 library by John Hunter.
Enables Fortran programs to read or write data directly from or into any format that has a Windows Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) driver. including the Microsoft Office suite whole suite and almost all databases (Microsoft SQL-Server, Oracle, Informix, Paradox, FoxPro).
Enables Fortran programs to access COM/ActiveX objects and call Visual Basic DLLs. Enables creation of Fortran DLLs that handle intrinsic Visual Basic data types (like VB's strings, arrays or variants). Includes TLView, a Type Library browser that can be used to explore COM/ActiveX objects used in a Fortran application.
Interactive GUI builder and Fortran subroutine toolkit for developing GUI applications under Windows.
Fortran package by Richard Quandt for numerical optimization and numerous other statistical and utility routines. It is available for a number of platforms, such as IBM mainframes, Vax computers, CRAY supercomputers, IBM-compatible PCs, and Sun, DEC, and RS/6000 workstations.
Codes for large-scale scientific computation.
Comprehensive mathematical and statistical library produced by Visual Numerics.
Intel Math Kernel Library
Set of optimized, thread-safe mathematical functions for engineering, scientific and financial applications requiring high performance. The functional areas of the library include the BLAS and LAPACK Libraries, Discrete Fourier Transforms, Vector Math Library, Vector Statistical Library, random number generators and the PARDISO Direct Sparse Solver.
A packages for solving large sparse linear systems by iterative methods.
Math a la Carte
Collections of mathematical software in Fortan and C. Software is free for some uses and can be purchased for others. Much of the software was developed at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory.
Microglyph Systems
SciComm serial communications library, SciPlot scientific plotting graphics library, SciSnet sockets network communication library. Compatible with Fortran and C compilers.
nonlinear problems
NCAR's Mathematical and Statistical Libraries
Source code and documentation for libraries in the areas of geophysical science, Fast Fourier Transforms, separable elliptic PDEs, interpolation, Legendre polynomials, spherical harmonics, general mathematics, eigensystem solvers, linear equation solvers, nonlinear equation solvers, ordinary differential equations, special functions, and statistics.
Collection of interpolators and approximators for one-dimensional, two-dimensional, and three-dimensional data, callable from Fortran and C.
Numerical Algorithms Group (NAG)
Libraries, compilers, tools, information, software for statistics, visualization, symbolic calculation, simulation.
A collection of Fortran solvers for the initial value problem for ordinary differential equation systems.
Platform-independent library under development for Fortran 90/95 to create GUIs, do file I/O.
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