Chaliy, Mike
C# and related technologies blog.
Crossland, Jonathan
Author of Professional Windows DNA and VB.NET titles carries his own webpages and weblog. Architecture and Design, refactoring, Web development articles. C# open source libararies.
Cutting the C SHARP
A weblog on .NET development with C#, by Stijn Guillemyn.
Daniel Vasquez Lopez .NET Blog
C# tricks, source code, guidelines, Microsoft .NET programming, Visual C++ Mangaged.
Dragunsflame's Home
Home page of an article writer on that contains C#, C++ source code. Also starcraft section.
Gary Short
A blog about C# and .NET software engineering, along with any other Microsoft products, mixed with the daily rantings of a software engineer.
Guy Langston
C.V., projects includes SokoSolve (a Sokoban puzzle solver and related tools in C#). Blog with articles on software architecture, engineering with a focus of .NET and C#.
Joe's Blog
This blog shows author experience as a software developer. C# examples and commants.
Jon Skeet's C# and .NET articles and links
A set of articles on C# and .NET, the C# newsgroup FAQ, and links to other resources.
.Net Adventures
Blog about .Net programming, tips and tricks, used tools.
Oracle Versus Microsoft
Blog with articles and sample codes dealing with Oracle and Microsoft technologies. A special focus on the C# language and code generation.
Professor Smiley's C# website
C# related links.
Rishi, Rowan - I See Sharp
A blog about the C# language, as well as the author's point of view on various subjects related to programming and C#.
Wired Prairie
Brief articles and topics covering programming in .NET and C#.
Cutting the C SHARP
A weblog on .NET development with C#, by Stijn Guillemyn. [Atom]
Chaliy, Mike
C# and related technologies blog.
Crossland, Jonathan
Author of Professional Windows DNA and VB.NET titles carries his own webpages and weblog. Architecture and Design, refactoring, Web development articles. C# open source libararies.
Cutting the C SHARP
A weblog on .NET development with C#, by Stijn Guillemyn.
Daniel Vasquez Lopez .NET Blog
C# tricks, source code, guidelines, Microsoft .NET programming, Visual C++ Mangaged.
Dragunsflame's Home
Home page of an article writer on that contains C#, C++ source code. Also starcraft section.
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